Unexpectedly, I got married to a wealthy man in a flash marriage

The first star to reach Chen Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 14207

Memorial was forced by his mother to give 500,000 yuan as a bride price to his younger brother. In anger, Memorial picked a random person from a blind date website to go on a blind date. The two of them decided to get married based on their own needs. After the flash wedding, the blind date concealed his identity, but there was nothing he couldn't do. Mian Mian even thinks that since meeting him, he has become luckier and luckier.

\nCan you win a prize when buying a car? \nA suit of clothes costs 10 million? \nOnly take classes 4 days a month?

Will wages be paid as usual? \nLater, Jiu Mian noticed something was wrong and found out that her husband was a wealthy CEO. Mian Ji couldn't accept this reality and decided to leave. The wealthy CEO cried all day and night.

\nYe Huainan: "I don't want anyone except her."

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