Tomb Robbery: The warlord’s daughter becomes a non-staff member of the Nine Sects

Ma Youye Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 153566

Warlord's daughter + Lao Jiumen + CP Qi's fortune teller + Hei Ye brought up [Introduction (Pig Raising Version)] In the countryside, I accidentally met a brother who had lost his memory and was raising pigs.

The black blind man climbed the tree to confirm the other party's identity, and greeted him warmly,

"Long time no see. Last time we saw each other, how did you get to this point?" The little brother was busy feeding the pigs, mixing the feed skillfully, and looked at him coldly.

"Buying a pig?"

"If you don't buy it, will you take the lama away?"

"I won't go." The younger brother replied indifferently. The black blind man looked at him strangely,

"Mute Zhang, you don't recognize me again?" Someone outside the wall moved a ladder and climbed up, revealing a beautiful little face.

"It doesn't matter if you lose your memory. Please look at the group photo. We are acquaintances, Lama, right now."

"Hey, hey, hey, Ji Lanqian, be careful and fall into the pig pen below." Hei Xiazi reminded sincerely at the side. As she finished speaking, she suddenly missed the point... Master Hei has such a crow's mouth.

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