After dressing up as a peasant and pretending to be a rich man, I became rich through delicious food

Yunjin purse Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 134 Total Words: 1522030

In the story of "True and Fake Daughter", other people dress up as noble ladies who live outside the country. Once they travel through time, they step on cannon fodder, stars hold the moon, and return to the luxurious life of rich clothing and fine food.

However, Su Qingluan traveled through time and became the "dove" in "The Dove Occupying the Magpie's Nest". When she woke up, she faced the situation where her dreams of wealth were shattered and she returned to a small farm household.

...Su Qingluan expressed that she was very satisfied: she died of a serious illness and early death in her previous life, but in exchange for regaining her youth and good health. What is poverty? In her previous life, she had acquired cooking skills since childhood, so she was not afraid that she would not be able to lead her family out of poverty and become rich!

To deal with the enemy, it is necessary to cook the oil with fierce fire and stir-fry without mercy!

When facing your own people, you should simmer slowly and treat them sincerely!

It would be best to choose a husband-in-law who is gentle, hard-working, and knows warmth and coldness, so that his life can be as prosperous as a hot pot!

As for those monsters whose hearts, livers, spleens and lungs are blackened into ink, it is still delicate to stay away from them. Otherwise, the poison will penetrate into the bone marrow, and it will be difficult for gods to save...


Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies.

Let's see how she rises from a young age and holds a banquet for the whole world. 【Expand】【Collapse】

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