I was killed by domestic violence, and I went crazy with barrage

always slow Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 73183

In her previous life, Jiang Anning happily married her childhood sweetheart and the brother next door whom she grew up with. Unknowingly, she fell into a wolf's den and was coveted by her in-laws and her husband for property plots. She died tragically in a snowy winter with hatred.

Because her sister-in-law was too lazy to learn Su embroidery skills from her, she ruined her hand and she could no longer do embroidery work. When her husband had no money to continue pampering his sweetheart, he asked her for money to no avail, so he interrupted her. He lost one of her legs, the wind was freezing that year, her thin clothes were infected by the wind, her head was dizzy and weak, and she couldn't even get up for a cup of tea late, so she was beaten with sticks by the Zhao family, leaving her with no good flesh on her body, and she died with her eyes open.

After her death, no one collected her body. Eventually, when spring came, it stinked and rotted, her beauty withered and her bones. After her rebirth, she accidentally saw a barrage prompt. If Jiang Anning had divine help, she vowed to make everyone who harmed her in her previous life pay the price, and whoever stood in her way would be killed!

Finally, he killed his ex-fiancé's family and avenged himself in his previous life, but found that all the tragedies in his previous life were caused deliberately by someone... - A scene

The "Xiangyunsha Case" beheaded the heads of the former Jiangning weaving family, and also made Jiang Anning lose her parents and become an orphan.

When she explored the method of making Xiangyun yarn through the notes left by her parents, she discovered that there was something hidden about what happened back then. Everyone seemed to be being manipulated by that one person.

【Intangible Cultural Heritage】+【Barrage】+【Revenge】+【Business】+【Detective】

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