80: The strongest officer is seduced by the charming military doctor

Wei Tian Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 22524

[Era + Rebirth + Soldier + Doting Wife + Shy o(*\u002F\u002F\u002F\u002F▽\u002F\u002F\u002F\u002F*)o System + Love at First Sight + Long-Premeditated + Background]\nThe husband’s sweetheart The son and daughter fell ill at the same time. The husband chose to save his sweetheart's son, but the daughter died.

\nFull of resentment, Xiao Niannian burned herself, her husband's sweetheart and son to death in a fire.

\nSeeing her husband holding her body and crying bitterly...\nXiao Niannian felt extremely ironic...\nWhen she woke up again and faced her daughter's life and death moment again, she decided to be a bad person and fed the medicine first. In the mouths of children!

Then get divorced quickly. \nJust when Xiao Niannian was planning not to get married in this life, her husband's brother-in-law came to the door and pushed her against the wall.


"Marry me, and the car, house, and savings will all be yours."\n

"What about you?" Xiao Niannian looked up at the handsome man, placed her slender hands on his strong chest, and spoke in a frivolous tone.

\n\"I'm yours too...\" The man grabbed the woman's troublesome jade hand, breathing rapidly and speaking in a low voice.

\n————\nEx-husband: "Uncle, can you go to the commander and help me get the divorce application report?"\nZhou Tingjun's deep eyes flashed and he said in a mysterious way.

"Okay."\nThe next day, the divorce certificate was delivered to the door. \nEx-husband: "???"\nNo one from me went, why did we get divorced?

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