Dreaming about my fiancé’s tyrant uncle every night

Salted egg oil Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 1 Total Words: 171776

(Double cleansing + sole favor) Yun Si is the prime minister's legitimate daughter raised in a deep boudoir. She is gentle, quiet, reserved and polite. \nShe is engaged to the queen, and her fiancé is the gentle and gentle cousin of a gentle man, who is also the nephew of the current emperor.

\nThe two are a perfect match, a talented man and a good-looking woman. \nOn the night of the engagement, Yun Si dreamed of a man. The man pressed her on the mandarin duck brocade quilt, his eyes were hot and wanton, as if he wanted to devour her.

\nBut that man was not her fiancé, but her fiancé’s tyrant uncle! \n-\nThe tyrant Xie Yan suffers from headaches and his temper becomes increasingly violent.

\nFrom that day on, he dreamed of a little girl every night, and he was in love with her, and they lived together through thick and thin...\nXie Yan could only relieve his headache after dreaming.

\nHe searched for beauties from all over the world, but could not find the little girl in his dream. \nOn his nephew's wedding day, Xie Yan saw the little girl in his dream wearing a red wedding dress and was about to marry his nephew.

\nXie Yan kicked her nephew away, broke into the bridal chamber, tore her wedding dress to pieces, and said in a cruel voice: "You have been my woman for a long time, how dare you marry another man?"

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