My son is crying in the wrong grave, run away, your father is angry!

Aidou Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 20449

[Strong woman + strong man + strong man + sweet pet + group pet + abusive scumbag]\nOne night, he didn't know that the ugly wife he spent a billion to marry was actually the person he was looking for all over the world.

\nSeven years later, she took her genius son with her and returned to China with a new look. She was sold by her son to her ex-husband's company.

\nShe thought her son was well-hidden, but he cried at the wrong grave on Qingming Festival and was bumped into by her ex-husband.

\nLooking at the little guy who was carved out of the same mold as him, he asked,

"Whose child is this?"\nIt's over! \nThe secret is revealed! \nSmash it, run!

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