After being exiled, the cute baby of a single parent meets his scumbag father by chance

Lemony and sweet Authored
  • Style: Historical Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 23625

[Space+Miracle Doctor+Shuangwen+Cute Baby+Farming+Exile, Shuangjie]\nShi Xi wore a book, and what a coincidence, she dressed as the legitimate daughter of the Shi family with the same name.

Still from Beijing

"celebrity". \nWell, it’s so embarrassing.

"Big Celebrity". \nBecause Shi Xi, the legitimate daughter of the Shi family, became pregnant before marriage and gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. The biological father is unknown...\nChinese

Forget about being a "big celebrity", he still wore it until the day when the Shi family was exiled. \nWell, the bad luck accumulated in eight lifetimes is not so bad.

\nUnfortunately, such an unfortunate thing happened to her. \nShi Xi, who knew the history, used the space to empty out the enemy's warehouse overnight, and went into exile with a lot of belongings.

\nOther exiled prisoners: On the road, each person holds a black vajra nest. \nShi Xi: Eating Wo Wo Tou is impossible!

\nNot to mention that there is enough food in her space, and it is no problem to cook on site. \nAfter all, he is a well-known military doctor. He is not omnipotent, but at least he has eighteen martial arts skills.

\nOther prisoners: They don’t have enough to eat, they don’t sleep well, and everything feels wrong! \nShi Jia: Are you sure you are being exiled and not traveling?

Eat well, drink well and sleep well! \nAfter arriving at the destination:\nOther prisoners: lost a lot of weight and lost a lot of weight.

\nShi's family: Why are you so fat? Shi Xi: It’s time to lose weight. \nSome day\n

"Sweetie, you are so handsome, can you be a father to a pig?" A certain girl said in a milky voice towards a certain boy\n

"No! Mom said, the grass on daddy's grave is almost seven feet long, we can't recognize anyone else as our daddy!" A certain boy looked serious\nA certain boy found Shi Xi with a dark face.


"My son said, the grass on my grave is seven feet long?"\nShi Xi: Where is the little cotton-padded jacket that I promised? Why does it feel like there is a little air leakage...

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