The spring breeze turns the willow bank green again

Lohas Comics Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 69 Total Words: 573643

Yang Liufang was born in Liunan Village, Yangshi Town, Wenzhou, into a poor family. After graduating from junior high school at the age of 15, he studied under Yang Liugen, a carpenter from the same village.

He was diligent, studious and hard-working, but he was misunderstood by his master and his wife. He was afraid that being beaten, scolded and gossiped would affect his family, so he left Xizhou alone.

Being penniless, he took advantage of the hard-working spirit of Wenzhou people and picked up a shoe-shining cloth in the Xizhou Railway Station Square. He got 2 yuan in shoe-shining fees for shining people's shoes, and then sold them at the wholesale market... Purchased 13 packs of needles and threads, randomly drove to an oil field in Xizhou on a tanker truck, and then walked more than ten kilometers to a mountain village to sell them. Repeatedly, used the money saved to buy woodworking tools, and walked the streets to make furniture for the mountain people. .

After living frugally and working hard for a year, he opened a hardware store, furniture store, contract market, built a department store, and developed real estate in the Xizhou building materials market... and finally became a wealthy man.

He was accidentally punished during the development process and almost lost his entire life. The penniless carpenter Yang Liufang is an extraordinary person, while the richest man in Xizhou, Yang Liufang, is an ordinary person.

Love and hate, law and morality... are intertwined in Xizhou City, where Yang Liufang has been working hard for 15 years.


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