Eyes open eighty: He and the bully in the outer village have a baby

Sunflowers, flowers Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 7 Total Words: 145732

When she woke up, Hu Yao suddenly had a naughty but well-behaved son and a gangster man next to her. All the neighbors she knew in the village said that four years ago, she knocked her head and asked her mother to sell her. In the past four years, she Not only did she have a husband, but she also had a mischievous but protective Zaizai. The bastard and gangster man always loved to touch and touch her, and he was also extremely cruel and unreasonable. She was so scared that the sky was falling, but it was just such a man. Although he was a rough man, he and Zaizai held her in the palm of their hands and became her biggest reliance and most important person from now on.

\n(Not reborn, not time-traveled, not strong.)

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