After 100,000 simulated crimes, I became an ace detective

Slightly cold early autumn Authored
  • Style: Science Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 753013

[Criminal Investigation + Crime + Invincibility + Almighty + Hard-core Case Solving] A murderer who can create perfect cases must also be the strongest ace detective.

Su Ming, who just entered the police academy, unexpectedly gained the ability to simulate crimes in his sleep. Whenever a perfect crime is simulated and no one finds the murderer within the prosecution period, various skills used in the crime can be obtained.

Simulate the perfect crime 100,000 times and acquire countless skills. Su Ming, who was supposed to be the number one criminal, turned around and joined the Criminal Investigation Brigade after graduation.

In his eyes, all cases are full of errors and omissions, and a simple loophole in the details can lead directly to the criminal!

As he successively solved what everyone considered to be perfect crimes and unsolved cases for many years, the whole country exclaimed that Su Ming was the real ace detective.

The first-class meritorious officer could not even hang it on his chest, and his police rank jumped five times in a short period of time. As a criminal? impossible! It's better to be a criminal policeman and easily solve the case and become famous!

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