With the barrage above my head, I am the richest in Beijing

Pear Qiaoqiao Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 336667

(Mind-reading + book-traveling + system + group pet + sweet pet one-on-one) The melon-eating man Gu Niannian traveled through an ancient collection of dog blood and became a passerby who passed by in one stroke. At the same time, he was bound to a plot through the system.

Every time you meet an important plot character, the corresponding plot will be unlocked. What Gu Niannian doesn't know is that she can eat the drama of important people, and these people can also see the barrage of her comments on her!

Moreover, this barrage is still 360-degree three-dimensional, with enlarged and bold fonts, and comes with a multi-angle display controlled by a small speaker.

The heroine of the sadistic novel has been digging wild vegetables for eighteen years, and finally she has a husband who married a wife, two concubines, and gave birth to a basketful of children. The couple is happy.

Gu Niannian: Exciting! A scumbag has a secret crush on his sister, but he marries his eldest brother, so he can only use the other's concubine as a substitute. He has more than a million words of sadistic love. In the last scene, he confesses in the rain and the two of them have sex.

Gu Niannian: Awesome! ...The bloody protagonists are trembling, but Gu Niannian is protected by the royal family, so they can only take the initiative to send money and gifts, and just ask her to stop thinking!

Gu Niannian: Wow, isn't this my heroic Majesty who expanded the territory and guarded the country? It's a pity that Dazhou died one month after his death.

His Majesty's cold face:? !

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