The sinister villain reads my heart, kisses me, and makes me faint

Today and Zi Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 2 Total Words: 231534

[Book-traveling + mind-reading + sweet pet + double cleansing + yandere]\nAfter Jiang Xi died, he passed through an ancient novel about a domineering president and became the emotionless wife of the sinister villain Mo Shiyu in it.

\nIn the novel, her character is that of a tall, dignified, elegant, and generous young lady from a wealthy family.

\nShe worked hard to maintain her character every day, waiting for Mo Shiyu to take the initiative to file for divorce and walk away with a huge divorce fee.

\nBut one night, after Mo Shiyu took a shower, he suddenly heard her voice. \n

"Tsk, tsk, Mo Shiyu's legs are really long. It's a pity that he broke his leg later to save that little white flower. He will have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Take the time to appreciate it."\nMo Shiyu's steps paused and his face turned black. He looked at his legs with deep eyes.

\nAnother day, Jiang Xi choked on the cigarette he smoked. Her face was cold, but she was complaining crazily in her heart:\n

"Smoking, smoking, you know how to smoke, drink and stay up late. No wonder I got lung cancer later! Why didn't he die before the divorce, so that I could inherit a large inheritance!"\nMo Shiyu put out the cigarette and pinched her with his knuckled fingers. mandible,

"I won't smoke anymore. Give me a kiss on your mouth." \nIn order to play a good role, Jiang Xi went to the company to deliver a love lunch to Mo Shiyu. She looked at him in suits and ties, with a tall and straight posture, and a cold and ascetic face.


"This bitch Mo Shiyu looks so handsome in a suit. Husband, I want to give you a baby!"\n

"Forget it, this bitch has a bad personality and a bad temper, and he's going to die miserably. Calm down."\nMo Shiyu tilted his head casually, tugged on his tie, pushed her down beside the desk, and bullied her. Approach her, smile evilly,

"Honey, here or go home?"\nJiang Xi:? ? ?

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