I farm in another world and become a god

Night Knight Authored
  • Style: Fantasy Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 3531913

This is Faerûn. In a world where countless intelligent races are blooming with the flower of life, humans are just one that has just emerged.

Elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, sea elves, and mermaids all cling to their own isolated island cities. The wilderness is filled with goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, gnolls, kobolds, shark-turning fishmen, and various monster tribes.

In order to survive and for the continuation of the race, every intelligent race operates carefully. The Fey Wilds, the Shadow Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Star Realm are all entangled with the material plane, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other.

In their own kingdom, the gods plotted private battles for their faith, using all living beings as pawns. Devils and demons are in the abyss of hell, whispering and peering into the souls of the world.

Ancient evil things are imprisoned and dormant, waiting for the world to fall into a new round of chaos. The empire of giants still echoes in this ancient land.

The shadow of the giant dragon still covers the sky of this world. Gavin, the reborn legendary warrior, has become a reshaper of destiny. He must use his foresight in the cracks to find shortcuts and work step by step to carve out his own future and reverse the tragedy that tore the entire world apart.

Gavin will start a different farming path. Kobolds will help him mine, goblins will help him farm, giants will help him charge into battle - magic farming is the way to go.

...The Lord's Magic Farming article is a bit slow, so please give me a little patience and support. Prepare a lot of materials, write quickly, save a lot of manuscripts, and your character is guaranteed.

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