A lord who doesn't know how to farm can't dominate the world!

Fish cubs generate electricity for love Authored
  • Style: Science Status: Ongoing Click Count: 1 Total Words: 480108

A global game without CP + lord + infrastructure + farming + pets + heroine has arrived, and all intelligent creatures in the world have been divided into different survival areas.

Jiang Heng went to the mountain tomb and was lucky enough to be thrown into the fog survival area. And everyone has a thatched house ID card, but she doesn’t have one!

! Damn the game even mocked her as a homeless bum! ! However, there is no way to return to the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers.

When the talent was drawn at the beginning, Jiang Heng never expected that he would receive the "blessing" from the "gods". I actually got it...!

! ! Lost the small thatched house and gained a large territory. Farm! Infrastructure! The talents hidden in the genes of every flower grower and human being have exploded!

Get rich! Explosive troops! World domination starts from this small territory!

Fold Unfold

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