Tomb robber: I am a descendant of Xiling

Wangzai Little Milk· Authored
  • Style: Girl Status: Ongoing Click Count: 2 Total Words: 206791

The Tao is not to steal, it is very thief. There is also the Tao to robbers, and the thief cannot deviate from the Tao. There have always been many heroes who actually formed associations in the green forest to make profits and engage in activities such as dividing the spoils and gathering for righteousness.

Chen Hao came to a merged world of tomb robbers and turned into a baby who was saved by the blind old man Chen.

With a pair of gold-yuan twin eyes that can see through the production process of antiques, and old man Chen's years of experience and teaching, he became famous in the antique circle at a young age.

He originally planned to live a carefree life like this, but he didn't expect that a trip to the Crescent Hotel would involve a series of unexpected mysteries.

Longling Mysterious Grottoes, Ghost Tombs, Ancient Immortal Cave, South China Sea Great Treasures, Land of Immortality... Add all kinds of unique skills to explore the world and take advantage of all sentient beings!

I’m Chen Hao! Under one person, above the nine sects and four sects!

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