Yesterday, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Hou family was dancing in front of her ex-husband’s grave today.

jade pillow book sleep Authored
  • Style: Fantasy Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 333513

In the last life, Ji Shu was filial to his parents-in-law and took care of his brothers and sisters, but in exchange he was left a widow for eighteen years after getting married.

In the sixth year, her husband brought her two five-year-old children from the border.

Ji Shu abided by his parents' orders and worked hard to support the Wuding Hou Mansion and raise a pair of adopted children.

The result was a bowl of poisonous soup. Her husband, children, parents-in-law, and sisters all asked her to make room for her foreign wife.

Ji Shu, who died of anger, was reborn and figured it out.

Her mother-in-law likes to gamble, so she recommends casinos, and her brother-in-law is so poisonous, so she finds someone to open the back door for him, and she will destroy him as an unfamiliar little white-eyed wolf!

I thought it would take me another half of my life to wipe out this house full of moths, but my eldest uncle, who died violently in his previous life, returned to Beijing in glory.

The eldest brother is handsome, brave, and dedicated. Although he is a bit rough, he loves her and leaves the scumbag behind.

The male protagonist who made love: (gritting his teeth) Should you divorce him, or should I kill him?

Ji Shu thought for a moment, there is nothing wrong with brother and sister taking their wives.

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  • 154 Marry Update Time: 24/01/13 13:27:59


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