I'm a villain who just wants to live in peace, but you have to follow the routine?

Ten suites Authored
  • Style: Romance Status: Ongoing Click Count: 0 Total Words: 692303

Zhang Haotian traveled to the world of urban novels and was forced to become a villain. As long as he survives to the end of the plot, he can return to reality with endless wealth.

He originally wanted to be a low-key villain and survive until the end, but unexpectedly, the heroines in the novel who were supposed to be the protagonist of the Dragon King's harem all turned against him like they had taken the wrong medicine, creating hatred for him.

Faced with the temptations of various uniforms and stockings, Zhang Haotian had no choice but to sigh deeply, crush the protagonist of the Dragon King, and replace him as the new protagonist of many harem heroines.

Zhang Haotian: I am a villain who just wants to live in peace, but you have to follow the routine?

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