• Style: Science Status: Ongoing Click Count: 303 Total Words: 623301

The deep space of the universe, soul consciousness, and the war between high-dimensional gods! Sowing life and civilization...

The mysterious heroines are all as beautiful as immortals and have noble status...

Will the human world disappear one day?

Prehistoric floods, polar shifts of the earth's magnetic field, and human nuclear war leading to self-destruction?

Or will the sun age and turn into a red giant, destroying the earth?

These are inevitable results!

...> Is it possible?

There are multi-dimensional time and space and countless parallel worlds in this universe. And some parallel worlds are just over-budget space-time images of high-dimensional space-time, and they are destined to end! And some parallel worlds may be favored by the Creator, allowing them to continuously evolve to higher-dimensional space-time, thereby avoiding being destroyed by the end of the universe. In this way, they can obtain eternal calculations, allowing time-space civilization and the universe to coexist and perish!

Why can’t current earth civilization observe traces of extraterrestrial civilization? Perhaps our technology is too backward to surpass the limit of the speed of light; or perhaps our space and time itself is falling into lower dimensions, becoming an "isolated island civilization" that the Creator cannot pay attention to.

What kind of vicissitudes of life and cycle of life and death will the earth experience in the next one or two thousand years? Let’s try to think about the development process of human civilization: the breakthrough of controllable nuclear technology... [Expand] [Collapse]

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