Three Kingdoms: Take over Liu Bei at the beginning and rebuild the Han Dynasty

long bow holding the moon Authored
  • Style: Historical Status: Ongoing Click Count: 3793 Total Words: 1172986

Traveling through Jingzhou, Liu Qi, the eldest son of Liu Biao, a herdsman, fell ill and was dying.

The Cai family conspired to abolish Li, Liu Bei coveted him, Sun Quan was eyeing him, and Cao Cao was about to march south.

There is a conspiracy, and the princes are bent on seizing Jingzhou!

This time, everyone must die!

At the beginning, Liu Bei was designed and Lu Ma was given chin beans, allowing Cai Mao to successfully get rid of Liu Bei.

Then he took over Liu Bei's team, cleverly avoiding historical regrets, and the five tiger generals showed their power to rebuild the Han Dynasty.

Wherever the sun and moon shine, and wherever the rivers reach, they are all Han lands, and the light of China shines on the world.

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