Sister, stop messing around, I'm really not a fool anymore

Listening to the rain in the small building Authored
  • Style: Heros Status: Ongoing Click Count: 1 Total Words: 1566994

[Super burning blood + god-level flower protector + fool's counterattack + urban hegemony]\n Peng Zhan, who has been stupid for many years, was pushed into the Demon Locking Cave because of a heroic rescue of a beauty. He unexpectedly received a peerless inheritance, and a generation of evil masters became rampant. Sora!

\nHowever, the people around him didn't know that he had become smarter, and they still treated him as a fool...\nUntil one day, his sister, who was so kind to him, was sold to northern Myanmar.

\nHe was so angry that he massacred northern Myanmar with blood, and became a god in one battle. The world was shocked, and everyone woke up like they were dreaming!


"Why are you provoking him? He dares to conquer even northern Myanmar!" The villain leader trembled. \nLet's see how Peng Zhan pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, pushing forward with an invincible attitude, crushing all powerful enemies, becoming the all-powerful king, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

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