Chapter 134 Behind closed doors

Style: Girl Author: Sang JiajingWords: 4256Update Time: 24/02/21 02:25:41
Wang Zebang felt very strange: "Jichun Craftsmen's Guild? Is it that major event where top workers from seven countries participate?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly reacted: "Yes, the election of the Jichun Craftsmen Union of Gongshu was held in Julu Country this year, but Gongshu has always looked down on our Ye Country, thinking that Ye Country has no skilled craftsmen, and they are doing it again this time Why did you specially send a sweet-scented osmanthus letter to invite us?"

He was more inclined to think that Gong Shulan knew about Gong Shulan's death and planned to use the topic to lead him into a urn and do something about it to get his money back.

When Zheng Quchi killed Gong Shu Lan, Wang Zebang didn't know how many people in the Gong Shu Lan family knew about it, but their general sealed everyone's mouth and did not allow anyone to reveal that "Sang Xuanqing" had done it. Bear the consequences.

However, if Gongshu Lan and Gongshu had secret communication methods, perhaps they could not hide this matter even if they wanted to.

Moreover, the "Muxi letter" of the invitation did not reach King Ye directly, but was sent directly to the camp. What does this unusual move mean?

Yu Wensheng spoke slowly: "This shows that he is not interested in drinking."

Did he realize it belatedly?

But it's a pity, even if you are a step too slow after all, you will never have the chance to make up for the mistakes you made due to selfishness and ignorance in your lifetime.

Because he would not give Gong Shu Jiruo this chance.

Yu Wensheng looked at the "osmanthus letter" in his hand, lifted it and moved it to the copper tree fire lamp, intending to burn it, but at the last moment, he suddenly stopped.

There was an inexplicable inner fire that burned away all his patience and calmness, making him restless, his eyes covered with willows, and the leaves of resentment spread over his eyelashes.

The corners of his dark lips were raised, and his eyes reflected the swaying firelight, like a beast choosing people to devour: "My people, if you think about it, they are coveted, but he still wants to snatch them away?"

Wang Zebang was startled: "General?"

After taking back the "osmanthus letter", Yu Wensheng smiled: "Since he dares to invite me, I will naturally dare to go. I just hope that he will not regret it in the end."

"Do we really want to go? But, this requires a work of sufficient skill and reaching the competition level in order to enter the Jichun Craftsmen Guild, but we..."

Wang Zebang hesitated to speak. When it came to practical difficulties, he really wanted to persuade the general. Can we be more realistic? Now that they're gone, it's probably going to be confirmed that their country of Ye doesn't even have a decent craftsman anymore.

Other countries have joked that ten craftsmen from Ye State are not worth one craftsman from Beiyuan State.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, you must know that the Jichun Craftsmen's Guild held every three years is not the time for their Beiyuan Kingdom to "flexibly display their ambitions". When you want to be disgraced and sent abroad.

Every year, only some wild craftsmen from the Ye Kingdom participate, but the official side never sends hundreds of workers to participate. The emphasis is on a "mystery". As long as the display is done ruthlessly, no one can catch our sore feet. laugh at.

"Are those losers really raised for free?"

Yu Wensheng refers to the group of craftsmen in his camp who are "extremely busy every day, but can't produce any decent works at all."

Seeing that the general wanted to find trouble with the craftsmen's union again, Wang Zebang quickly changed his explanation: "General, we are only more than a month away from the Jichun Craftsmen's Guild. My subordinates are afraid that if they start preparations now, they will not be able to make it in time."

"It's not necessary to enter the finals. I'm not too blind to see how much they weigh, but they can't even do just one stepping stone?" Yu Wensheng glanced at him with a smile.

A cruel and playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Knowing that the general's patience was running out, Wang Zebang immediately did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

He said sternly: "After all, they are among the top craftsmen in our Ye country. My subordinates think it won't be a big problem. I will immediately tell them to stop other things they are doing and concentrate on making handicrafts for joining the Jichun Craftsmen Guild."

Although Wang Zebang said that the problem was not serious, in fact, he was silently sympathetic in his heart. Master craftsmen, you can only hope for your own blessings in the remaining days.


Hegou Village

Recently, Zheng Quchi has not gone anywhere and has been resting at home recovering from his injuries.

Yu Wensheng treated her with the best medicine for her injuries. In order to prevent scars on her body, he also asked someone to send a piece of decomposing jade muscle cream from Ye Palace that was hard to buy.

After the scars on her body had scabbed off, she applied Huafu Jade Muscle Cream for half a month and no scars were left.

Zheng Quchi's "bone bending technique" is not lost day by day. She found that it can help speed up the recovery of injuries and strengthen the body.

Zheng Quchi was not an idle person. She was used to being busy. Suddenly she stopped, feeling uncomfortable all over.

But now Yu Wensheng requires her to recover from her injuries before returning to work, so she can't just lie around at home like this.

How about planning the money-making plan she had considered before?

Make a luxury horse-drawn carriage that can subvert the perception of this era?

Zheng Quchi has always been very active. On a whim, a lot of inspirations and ideas came to his mind, so he just did it!

In fact, she has long wanted to make a particularly awesome car.

First of all, she couldn't ride a horse, and she had to rely on others to guide her every time she rode. Moreover, after riding for a long time, her buttocks hurt, and the tender flesh on her crotch was peeled off. At that time, she would think, if she could It would be nice to have a car that is both comfortable and convenient for long distances.

In order to build a car that satisfied her, she visited existing car dealerships in Fu County.

Good, bad, two-wheeled, four-wheeled, she has seen them all.

I found that there are basically very few locally made cars, almost rare, and most of them are "foreign trade cars."

Especially the cars from Beiyuan Kingdom, which are of the best quality, but extremely expensive. Then there are the cars from Nanchen Kingdom, which are magnificent and outstanding in appearance. It doesn’t matter whether the performance is good or not. In short, the “good looks” are highlighted, and the price It’s also jaw-dropping.

But the car seller said that this kind of car is not the most expensive and the best, because in the countryside, they dare not sell top-notch products for fear that they will not be sold. The cars sold in the towns of the National People’s Congress are sky-high prices. ah.


Zheng Quchi looked around and found that these were far from meeting her requirements.

Technology takes the lead in craftsmanship, and she admits that the craftsmanship of these carriages is indeed remarkable, especially the carriages of Beiyuan Kingdom, which are outstanding, leaving those of other countries behind and reaching the top of the technology.

But its supposed drawbacks still exist and have not been solved.

"Zhizi, what are you thinking about?" Brother Sang picked up half a bucket of water and poured it into the tank, put the bucket down, and came over: "You have been squatting there for a long time, be careful of your wounds."

In order not to cause Brother Sang to suspect that she had been staying at home, she lied and claimed that her shoulder blade was injured at the construction site and that she would need to recover for a few days.

Since she was a girl, her brother needed to avoid suspicion, so he didn't check to see how she was injured. He could only tell "Liu Fengmian" over and over again, telling him to apply medicine carefully for her at night and not to be careless.

"It's okay. Brother, I want to make a car." She squatted there and took a wooden stick and scratched it on the ground.

When Brother Sang heard this, he thought she was simply whimsical: "Don't think about it all day long. Is a car so easy to make? You know how advanced skills are required to build a carriage. Don't think you can build it." If you know how to build a house and city walls, you can build a car out of thin air."

"My good brother, I don't have any diamonds or porcelain work. I just lack some experience. If an old carpenter helps me, I can definitely build a stunning horse-drawn carriage." She was quite confident. Full.

Seeing her like that, Brother Sang didn't want to hurt her, so he just told the truth: "Old carpenters who have been here for decades don't dare to say that they can build cars. Carpenters who can build cars do it behind closed doors, for fear that others will learn their family skills. You Ah, where can you find a skilled old carpenter to help you? If he knows it, he can build a car by himself, so why does he need help from you?"

"It's different...forget it, brother, I have nothing to do anyway, you can think about it yourself."

"Don't squat down. When Yaomei comes back later, she will see you and imitate her." Brother Sang lectured her.

Zheng Quchi muttered: "Okay, I just think that squatting down and thinking about things like this is more down-to-earth, and you won't get carried away by thinking about it."

Let’s not mention the craftsmanship for now. The first thing to build a car is to design it first. She pulled out a lot of ancient and modern information from her mind and prepared what she felt was suitable for use and the technical conditions were achievable.

She plans to first build an eight-seat carriage that can be overloaded but travels lightly. Yes, it has the same capacity as a minivan.

It is not difficult to make the carriage wider and wider. What is difficult is to have strong load-bearing capacity and to travel briskly. This is a test of the designer's skills.

Generally speaking, if you want the carriage to have a strong load-bearing capacity, you have to use a four-wheeled carriage. However, among the baggage trucks and heavy-duty transport vehicles in various countries, two-wheeled ones have never been seen.

However, without considering the bearings, the friction of the four wheels is greater than that of the two-wheel steering device, which also means that the four-wheel steering force is poor. All current four-wheel carriages basically have four wheels assembled on the vehicle through axles. On the stand, the two front wheels cannot rotate, so it lacks flexibility and even stability. Once it encounters uneven roads or runs too fast, it will easily roll over.

Generally, two-wheeled carriages are more flexible and can pull people and things. They are also highly adaptable to roads and can be used in various complex terrains and short and long distances. However, their shortcomings are also obvious. They need to be used to pull rice, grain, and stones. , wood, etc., it cannot bear it.

The car she wanted to build broke this rule.

She wants both the load-carrying capacity and comfort of a four-wheeled vehicle, and the flexibility of a two-wheeled vehicle that can freely adjust its direction...

This problem is not difficult to solve. If you want a four-wheeled carriage to meet this requirement, you must first create a steering differential to solve the four-wheel steering problem.

This only requires a bogie, and the four-wheel vehicle can steer freely.

Zheng Quchi stood up, ran back to the room, took out a piece of paper, and started drawing on it with a homemade wicker charcoal pen.

First, the front two wheels of the four-wheeled vehicle are mounted on one frame, the rear two wheels are mounted on another frame, and the rear frame is mounted on the front frame and connected by a vertical shaft. , equivalent to a combination of two two-wheeled vehicles.

After drawing a rough outline of the car body with a set of simple lines (the exterior design has not been considered yet, so there is only a square frame), Zheng Quchi paused again.

"This solves the steering problem, and then it's time to design the stability of the body..."

You must know that the longer and wider the vehicle body, the easier it is to shake and bump violently when running, because most roads today are still rural dirt roads, with either potholes or uneven stones of different sizes on the ground.

Forget about the sour feeling of being thrown up and then dropped when the stiff wooden wheel rolled over.

Although a light two-wheeled carriage can cope with such road conditions, the people on the carriage still suffer the same consequences as if they were on the ground. Even if they are cushioned with thick mattresses, even if there is a "futu" that slows down a part, but if it is changed, It has become a more serious four-wheel...

"How to make the shock absorber at the base of the car? By the way, come to think of it, it's springs, supports, fixings..."

Another drawing was started, and this time it took a little more effort. After all, it was an important internal structure, and each component had to be so fine that it could be discerned with the naked eye, so that it would be easier for the craftsman to build it according to the drawing.

This busyness lasted until the evening. When Yu Wensheng came back from work, he saw her diligently drawing at the desk, her hands and brain busy non-stop.

Brother Sang came over to deliver the meal. When he saw Yu Wensheng standing by the door, he asked, "Is she still busy?"

"What is Quchi doing?"

"It's about making cars. She's been like this since she was a child. No matter what she wants to do, she'll be obsessed with it. She'll get in and won't get out. She won't give up until she succeeds. What a temper. , but just like dad..."

Yu Wensheng didn't want to listen to his chatter and asked directly: "Has she been like this all day?"

"No, I forget to eat and sleep." After Brother Sang finished speaking angrily, he handed the bowl and chopsticks in his hand: "Since you are back, just send it to her. Don't ask her to draw anymore. She can do whatever she wants at noon. I took two bites of food, and you must ask her to eat all of this bowl tonight."

Although Yu Wensheng did not agree, he went in with the bowl.

He first took a look at the completed drawings on her desk. There were various detailed disassembly parts arranged on them, as well as neat numbers and listed data, which were mysterious and profound.

He didn't understand it, but he knew that she was serious and focused on building an unusual carriage.

And... there should be some results.

"Quchi, are you hungry?"

He sat next to her and asked her with delicate and gentle eyes.

"Ah, you're back?" Zheng Quchi raised her head and happened to see the rice in his hand. She frowned: "You can eat it first. I will heat it up and eat it myself after I finish my work."

After saying that, she continued to work hard.

She didn't want to have her coherent thoughts interrupted, so she had to calculate this set of data today.

Since the wooden structure has limitations in the upper limit of its load-bearing capacity, the size of the wheel, the choice of wood, and whether or not the number of iron anchors, spokes and rivets are needed must be calculated in advance.

"I've already eaten at the camp." He looked at her serious and focused side face, her moist red apple cheeks, and her small mouth was pursed, thinking that she would not remember to eat until she was busy during this trip.

So he held it up, took a mouthful and fed it to her mouth.

"Open your mouth."

Zheng Quchi turned his head and glanced at him. It was probably just a reflex action, and he turned back without thinking at all.

She opened her mouth, and he put the rice into her mouth one after another, without any impatience the whole time.

(End of chapter)