Chapter 52 Kotou Village 17

Style: Girl Author: Tachibana KankoWords: 2359Update Time: 24/02/21 02:20:50
Fang Yajing suddenly pressed down the hand she raised and walked far away from the phone.

Looking at the ringing phone, a sneer curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"Hahaha, you want to trick me into breaking the rules? It's not that easy!"

The phone rang for a while and then stopped.

Fang Yajing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to walk back to the counter when suddenly two cats meowed from outside the door.

"Meow meow!"

Rule 3,

[It is prohibited to look at a black cat for more than ten seconds, it is prohibited to pet a black cat, and do not let a black cat jump on you. Black cats should stay inside the store. If you see a black cat outside the store, pretend you didn't see it (word crossed out, added later) and take the black cat back to the store. 】

Fang Yajing remembered the rules related to the canteen very clearly after reading them.

Obviously, in the last sentence of Article 3, the crossed out words and the added words conflict with each other.

The same situation also appears in the Village Rules.

Fang Yajing judged that the words that were crossed out were the correct rules, and the words added after them were contaminated.

Fang Yajing chose to ignore the cat's meow.

The meowing lingered at the door for a moment, then turned into the sound of claws scratching on the threshold.

The cat barked at the door for a long time, then stopped when no one responded.

Fang Yajing could feel that the cat was still at the door.

The rules said that you couldn't look at the black cat for 10 seconds, so she just turned her head quickly and took a look to determine the direction of the cat.

But just this glance made her take a breath unconsciously.

The cat seemed to have suffered some kind of abuse. Large areas of hair fell off, exposing the bright red and mottled flesh underneath.

It is very thin and has very little fat on its body. To be precise, it is just a layer of skin covering the protruding bones.

As he breathed, the skin, which was intricately intertwined with deep and shallow shades of unnatural red, trembled and squirmed.

Only the black hair on the tail that has not fallen off proves that the cat is indeed a black cat.

Fang Yajing continued to stay at the canteen waiting for customers to come.

But I don’t know what the reason is, but there seem to be a lot of calls this afternoon.

When the phone rang again, Fang Yajing was able to ignore it skillfully.

But no one expected that at this moment, the black cat suddenly ran into the store and jumped on the counter.

The black cat fiddled with the landline phone on the counter in a very humane manner.

Before Fang Yajing could react, the hands-free button on the landline had been pressed.

A "beep" sound indicates a successful call.

"Hey hey——"

The voice on the phone sounded a bit dissatisfied.

"I've been calling you for so long, why did I just answer it now?"

"Mom, I won't go back this year. I heard that the harvest at home has been bad in the past two years, so it will be of no use if I go back."

Immediately afterwards, another woman's old and frail voice rang on the phone.

"Son, mom is hungry."

The man's voice sounded impatient.

"Eat something by yourself when you're hungry. Okay, that's all. Fangqing and Yueya are going to her parents' house for dinner. I have to go with her. I'll hang up first."

There was an obvious sound of a man hanging up on the phone.

But the woman's old and frail voice never disappeared.

"Son, I'm hungry."

"Son, I'm hungry."

"Son, I'm hungry."

These words were repeated over and over again.

Fang Yajing discovered to her horror that the voice seemed to come not just from the phone, but from everywhere in the canteen.

In the walls, in the wooden pillars, on the counter, on the beams.

Everywhere seemed to be entangled with the cry of hunger, like an airtight silk net that densely wrapped the entire canteen.

Wang Qing was walking on the road and met the little boy from yesterday again.

By chance, she didn't know the road, so she stepped forward and grabbed the little boy.

"Well, uh... how to get to the health center?"

The little boy looked back and saw that it was her, and his expression suddenly froze.

Silently hugging the ball in his hand, the little boy's voice sounded a little unspeakably aggrieved.

"Didn't I take you there yesterday?"

Wang Qing scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

After all, she is an adult, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing for her to admit that she is a road idiot in front of children.

"It's like this. I want to go see my mother-in-law yesterday. It just so happens that we sent my mother-in-law away together yesterday, so it would be better to go see her together today."

Wang Qing held it in for a long time and finally found a reason for himself, silently giving himself a thumbs up.

When he looked at the little boy again, a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

The little boy looked at the smile on Wang Qing's lips and instinctively shrank his neck.

"Don't beat me, I'll just take you there." The little boy said.

"?" Wang Qing looked confused, and she didn't even say that she wanted to beat him.

Looking at the dirty shirt the little boy was wearing, he looked timid.

Wang Qing understood.

This child, at first glance, looks like a child from a left-behind family, with his parents not around.

I guess I was often bullied by children of the same age.

"Don't worry, I won't beat you."

Wang Qing smiled gently at the little boy.

However, that smile fell in the little boy's eyes, making his shoulders tremble even more.

The little boy thought of the old woman in the health center again.

One night passed, and I didn't know if the old woman was still intact.

The little boy took Wang Qing to the health center.

Pushing open the hospital door, you can see that in the clearing in front of the health center, fungi have sprouted from the soil.

Wang Qing didn't take these things to heart and walked straight through the corridor to the ward.

Pushing the door open, I saw the old lady lying on the hospital bed, covered with a thick quilt.

The old woman's face was extremely pale.

Her chest didn't rise or fall at all, she just stared at the ceiling with her eyes wide open.

"Mother-in-law, I'm here to see you."

Wang Qing sat down beside the hospital bed. Seeing the old woman looking so weak, Wang Qing felt guilty and tried hard to smile.

"Grandma, how are you feeling today?"

The old woman finally moved her eyes, glanced at Wang Qing sitting next to her, and tried her best to open her withered lips.


But she seemed too weak and struggled for a long time. Only vague breath sounds can be made from the throat.

Wang Qing put her ear to her sensibly and listened closely, "Mother-in-law, please speak slowly."

Finally, she heard the extremely weak words squeezed out of the old woman's mouth.


Wang Qing suddenly realized.

Yesterday, I accidentally broke my leg. The old lady must be wondering whether she can still walk in the future.

That's right, no one would care about this kind of thing.

Wang Qing stood up and looked around, but didn't see the doctor in the health center.

Otherwise, she could still ask a few questions about the old lady's condition.

She had no choice but to bend down, move closer to the old woman, and comfort her gently.

"It's okay, mother-in-law. If you receive good treatment here, you will be able to walk normally again."