Chapter 62 Why is it so hard to fool girls nowadays?

Style: Girl Author: fade outWords: 2415Update Time: 24/02/21 01:03:50
"What is Zhang Zhengliang doing in Shaxi County? Doesn't he know that the Queen Mother has been deceived? Has Zhang Zhengliang filed a memorial recently? I want to see what he is doing in Shaxi County?"

The eunuch beside the emperor immediately turned over the two memorials from Magistrate Zhang.

The emperor's anger was extinguished after seeing Magistrate Zhang's letter!

"Haha... the mother-in-law is indeed wise and discerning, reward! You deserve the reward!"

A once-in-a-hundred-year flood occurred in Shengping Mansion, and the people of the whole mansion were able to avoid it with no danger, all thanks to a kind of grass and a dream.

Although some people's houses were washed away, the number of casualties was only about a hundred.

There are so few casualties, which is unprecedented!

Of the hundreds of thousands of fertile fields, more than 200,000 acres have been harvested in advance, ensuring that the poor people will not lose their harvest!

The harvest of 100,000 acres of official farmland was also completed ahead of schedule, ensuring the normal entry of official grain into the warehouse and ensuring the rations for the 100,000 soldiers of Shengping Prefecture!

Because they knew in advance that there would be floods, the government purchased wild bamboo shoots for one penny per catty for disaster relief, and there was no need for the court to allocate more grain for disaster relief.

In these situations, you should be rewarded!

Why don't you make it clearer, Queen Mother? It's just that a girl discovered that a kind of wild grass in the wasteland could be used as food, which benefited the people of Shengping Prefecture.

He also said that the girl dreamed of floods in advance and prevented many people from suffering. He actually didn't believe this. After all, Que'er could observe the sky. He thought it was Que'er who found out and told the girl that she was being used by someone with intentions.

But Zhang Zhengliang made it very clear, which proves that the girl's credit for the flood's success must be due to the girl. After all, Zhang Zhengliang wouldn't dare to help a girl take away Que'er's credit even if he had a hundred courages.

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother has an emergency of 800 miles." At this time, a young eunuch walked in quickly.

Eight hundred miles urgent? The emperor's heart skipped a beat: "Send it over."

Soon, eight hundred miles of express delivery was delivered to the emperor.

The emperor opened the letter and read the contents and praised: "Wonderful! Excellent!"

This ingenious printing technique was actually thought up by a three-year-old girl. The emperor understood why Que'er was willing to talk to her.

After all, among the children of the same age, no one is as smart as Queer.

When Que'er looked at people, in those beautiful and indifferent eyes, there was stupidity written on the left side and stupidity written on the right side. That look in his eyes seemed to say that such a stupid person deserves to talk to me?

"Xiao Dezi, give this piece of paper to the Ministry of Industry and ask them to make it as soon as possible."

He wanted to see if this movable type printing technique was really feasible, and then discuss the merits and rewards.

As for Que'er who wants to study, who should be allowed to enlighten him?


Shaxi County

After the peak passed, the flood receded overnight, leaving only thick mud and chaos all over the world.

Only one hut of the weak family collapsed, so the loss was not heavy.

The family spent half a day cleaning the mud in the house, and spent another half day moving the things stored in the cave down the mountain. Then they said goodbye to Mrs. Xuanyuan and moved back home.

The next day, the sky was blue.

Ruohai was already in good health, and he couldn't wait to do something for his family. He took up the task of building a hut as soon as he got up early in the morning.

Ruoshui and Mr. Liu took their children to the city to sell books. They also visited the academy and signed up several children to study.

As soon as they walked out of the village road, they saw many villagers saving rice in the fields.

But the rice in the field has been soaked in water for several days. Some have rotted and some have sprouted.

Major production cuts are inevitable!

Ruoshui didn't sympathize with them. When he was about to go up Guandao with his cart, he was blocked by several men who looked fierce.

The leader was tall and tall, and said with a smile: "Brother, is this Xishui Village? Do you know where Zhao Youyin's home is?"

Zhao Dayong thought he was smiling kindly, but in fact, when he smiled, he looked even more fierce.

Several children on the weak side were too frightened to speak.

Ruoxuan was not afraid and looked at him curiously.

Zhao Dayong couldn't help but glance at Xuan Bao, and smiled at Ruoxuan: This girl is bold, and she is so beautiful, and her flesh is so cute.

Ruoxuan replied with a bright smile!

Zhao Yong laughed.

Ruoshui knew at a glance that these people were thugs from gambling houses, probably here to collect debts. He had no intention of helping Zhao to hide it, and said directly: "The second house in the village has a sign on the door that accepts pigs. .”

"Brother, thank you! I'll treat you to a drink another day!" Zhao Dayong saluted Ruoshui with his fists raised, and then he waved to the younger brother behind him: "Let's go!"

The group of people hurriedly walked into the village.

Weishui continued to push the cart into the city.

Ruo Hang waited until those people were far away before he dared to speak: "Fourth uncle, those people seem to be people from the gambling house. I saw them going to collect debts when I was in the next village, but they were terrible! Did they go to Zhao's house to collect debts? "

Ruoshui nodded: "Nine times out of ten, yes."

Then Wu Shui took the opportunity to teach a few children about the dangers of gambling.

Half an hour later, we finally arrived at the county seat.

As soon as he entered the city, Ruoshui went to Boxue Study Room to sell his books.

This time, a total of twenty books were copied, each worth fifty words, which was exactly one tael of silver.

Ruoxuan took the opportunity to ask shopkeeper Hu in the study: "Grandpa shopkeeper, which books do you have the most in your study?"

The font is almost ready, and once it's done, it's time to print a large number of books.

"Of course it's the Thousand-Character Classic and the Four Books and Five Classics."

The Thousand-Character Classic is a book used by academies to teach children how to read, and the Four Books and Five Classics are required books for imperial examinations. They must be studied in every academy, so the demand is the greatest.

"Grandpa shopkeeper, how many books does your study need to receive every year?"

The shopkeeper was also a patient person, and Xiangxuan was so cute, so he patiently replied: "One or two hundred sets!"

"Then we copied two hundred sets and sent them over. Shopkeeper, will you accept them?"

The master heard this and said with a smile: "If your father can copy two hundred sets and bring them over, I will take them."

Children are children, and they don’t know that copying books is not easy.

Some people can only copy one or two books a day without doing anything.

Two hundred sets of Four Books and Five Classics? Even if I copy it every day without sleep, I won't be able to finish it in a year.

Take the twenty books he has collected now as an example. They have been copying them for more than ten days!

However, children are cute because they are ignorant. Of course, he will not attack the child's ignorance and innocence.

"It's settled!" Ruoxuan raised her little paw.

"It's a deal!" Shopkeeper Hu smiled and raised his palm to pat her.

So cute!

Why isn't his grandson so cute?

Ruoxuan said again: "Shopkeeper, I want to buy paper for copying two hundred books. I want all these papers. Can you make it cheaper?"

Shopkeeper Hu didn't take it seriously and nodded with a smile: "Okay, it's cheaper. I'll get you twenty white books first and let your dad take them home and copy them."

"It's not twenty copies, it's this whole bunch. I want them all!"

Weowui understood very well why the shopkeeper didn't believe it. He said, "Shopkeeper, we really need to buy all these papers."

Shopkeeper Hu blinked at Ruoshui, indicating that he knew how to deal with it, and waved his hand to tell him to be quiet.

Weak Shui: "..."

Shopkeeper Hu coaxed Wei Xuan like a three-year-old child: "Grandpa shopkeeper knows, you want to buy them all, but if you buy them all, other customers who come to buy paper from me will not be able to sell it! You buy it first this time How about twenty copies?”

Ruoxuan shook her head: "No, twenty copies are too few. I need to buy at least one hundred and fifty copies. I will prepare some for you to sell."

Shopkeeper Hu: ...Why is this girl so hard to fool?

(End of chapter)