
Style: Gaming Author: Ming ZhaochaoWords: 2249Update Time: 24/02/20 17:50:54
Bo Wanan took the watch off Si Xihao's hand, used one hand to steady the steering wheel, and the other hand to put the watch next to his ear.

"Hey, auntie, don't bark like a dog~"

The second uncle and the second aunt were confused by the voice. They looked at each other and confirmed that they did not know this person and that he was probably not a big shot. Then they spoke again.

"Who are you? Why is Si Xihao's watch with you?"

"I told you not to bark like a dog! How can people understand how you bark at people?"

After saying that, he hung up without waiting for the other party to speak again.

Si Xihao: You did something that I wanted to do but didn’t dare to do because of feelings.

The second aunt was so angry that she was shaking all over, "You, you."

Before I could think of a word to describe it, I heard "beep..." coming from my watch.

He immediately cursed loudly: "This bastard actually dared to hang up the phone!"

The second uncle's face was also quite ugly. He was eager to protect his son and quickly opened Si Lan's communication box.

[Dad: Lan'er, are you okay? ]

[Si Lan: Dad, the driver Si Xihao found doesn’t know how to drive at all! Just now he actually let go of the steering wheel! 〕

[Dad: Don't be afraid, Lan'er, fasten your seat belt. Is that the driver who took Si Xihao's watch just now? 〕

[Si Lan: Yes, that’s him. 〕

A poor driver dared to hang up on him!

Believe it or not, he gave the order and all the shops were closed to him!

Just starve him to death!

After calling Si Xihao again, Bo Wanan was so frightened by the sound of "There's a call coming, pick it up quickly" that he slammed on the brakes.

Si Lan let out another "ouch" and bumped forward.

Bo Wanan's car was not only shabby on the outside, like a pile of scrap metal, but also quite plain on the inside.

The leather cushions on the seat were worn, and there were several scratches. The scratches were not as slender as a cat's scratch, nor as thick as an adult man's hand, but more like a woman's hand.

Si Lan felt like he had hit something like iron, and he gasped in pain.

There was a hint of red in his eyes, he reached out and touched his nose, and screamed again.

And Bo Wanan also answered the phone. Si Lan's screams on the phone made the second uncle and second aunt's hearts bleed!

How dare he do this Si Xihao! You don’t even care about family ties! Si Lan is the only Miaomiao in their Si family! The one with the purest bloodline!

"Si Xihao! You're a rip-off, what did you do to my Lan'er?"

Si Xihao was called out for no reason, and he scratched his nose a little unjustly. He really didn't do anything, it was Si Lan who asked for it.

When Si Lan saw Si Xihao touching his nose, the resentment in his heart became even stronger! Damn it! This is to rub salt into his wounds! This is looking down on him!

"Auntie, I really didn't do anything? Your Lan'er didn't sit properly and accidentally hit her nose. Isn't it just a little nosebleed? What's the big deal!"

After hearing this, the second aunt was shocked and distressed again. He quickly found Si Lan's chat box.

[Mom: My dear, is your nose okay? 〕

[Si Lan: Mom, my nose is bleeding a lot. Is the bridge of my nose broken? 〕

[Mom: Don’t say these unlucky words, throw it away! fasten your seatbelt. 〕

Si Lan looked at the stretched and deformed seat belt. He couldn't fasten it at all and it was still loose.

I took a photo for my mom.

The second aunt quickly opened the photo and looked at the seat belt that was about to break in half and fell into deep thought.

The second uncle also came over to take a look, and immediately cursed.

"Damn it! Si Xihao, you piece of shit, you're looking for a black car!"

Bo Wanan was very unhappy after hearing this, "Hey, uncle, don't slander me. My car passed the inspection in every aspect!"

It's just that this inspection is naturally a dark street internal inspection. As long as you can still drive, you can pass it.

After saying that, he hung up the phone and blocked it.

Returning the watch to Si Xihao, he said angrily: "Why are you such a great relative? You really don't care about face at all! After all, he is not my master's biological father! My master is decisive in killing! If he hadn't been tricked in the end. One handful can definitely get rid of the orphanage."

Si Xihao frowned after hearing what Bo Wanan said.

According to the timeline, Lin Yueluo was not dead at that time! Is his daughter the kind of person who kills decisively? It really looks like her! But I guess it should only be done to enemies!

As for why we want to get rid of the orphanage? That is the dream place of many traffic children!

After entering, not only will you have an identity, but you will also have food and clothing to worry about. There will be stewards and teachers in the orphanage. They only need to kill some low-level zombies every month to repay the orphanage.

If Bo Wanan knew what Si Xihao was thinking, he would definitely kick him out of the car on the spot. Human lives are never taken seriously in the orphanage!

After the second uncle and second aunt found that Si Xihao couldn't get through, they had no choice but to comfort Si Lan.

[Mom: Xiaolan'er, is that seat belt just for you? 〕

[Si Lan: No one else is involved, Si Xihao and the driver are safe, and Si Chun is protected by Lin Yueluo. 〕

[Second Aunt: Really, if you don’t even know how to protect your own family, all you can see is that illegitimate daughter who cannot be put on the stage, she will suffer a loss sooner or later! 〕

Thanks to Bo Wanan's "superior" driving skills, he finally arrived at the auction house in the dark street.

As for Bo Wan'an's pile of scrap metal and metal on the road, those who wanted to rob him looked at the crooked path and the momentum of a desperate rampage, but they stayed away at the cost of their lives.

Arriving at the entrance to the dark street, Bo Wanan stepped on the brakes again, but accidentally stepped on the accelerator.

The entire car crashed into the auction house uncontrollably.

The wall of the auction house is also quite crash-resistant, only slightly dented inward. As for the car, Bo Wanan and Si Xihao jumped out of the car in time. Lin Yueluo also pulled Si Chun to the ground firmly, and Si Lan looked at the car that was close at hand. The wall trembled in fear, and a pool of liquid flowed out uncontrollably.

He got out of the car tremblingly, took the invitation from Si Xihao, and walked inside pretending to be calm.

The auction house in the dark street was so large that it was lit up a month in advance, and the lights illuminated the nearby deserted city.

Bo Wan Anka arrived on the day of the auction. While Si Lan lined up to inspect the car, they calmly observed three seconds of silence for the car.

When he reached the queue, Bo Wanan's sharp eyes spotted a man in a cloak. The man had obviously completed the inspection and was walking inside.

"Master, this man looks familiar. Is he senior brother?"

Although there was only one figure from behind, Lin Yueluo recognized him at a glance.

"It's him."

After Si Lan checked the ticket and entered, another person came and led Si Xihao to the bodyguard area at the back to stand there.

Bo Wanan took the opportunity to inquire: "Hey, brother, who did that man who was dressed in white just now, who looked like, no, actually killed the whole family, come here with him?"

My head is still a little dizzy, I only wrote one chapter, and I have time to write another chapter tomorrow, and then school starts a month early, woo woo hoo, I don’t talk about martial arts, I didn’t say this would happen before the holiday, maybe there will be an update in the future. Guarantee, please forgive me

(End of chapter)