Chapter 587 It’s been so long and you still don’t believe me?

Style: Romance Author: Breaking goldWords: 2298Update Time: 24/02/20 10:16:39
He didn't understand why it was Zhuyeqing. This woman was not qualified to call the office directly, regardless of her qualifications or her contribution to the Wa Group.

The most important thing is that this girl is not the same as us.

"It's all a matter of life and death. You can't make any mistakes." I ordered very seriously. At the same time, I saw their eyes and thought to myself: "If I don't give this Bamboo Leaf Green some sweetness, why should she help me take it away?" People’s hearts, go and be confused by the teacher?”

Zhuyeqing said on the phone: "Don't worry, you can't go wrong."

The phone was hung up.

I raised my head just in time to see Yutou's expression and asked him, "Do you want to eat people?"

Yutou asked: "Master, what is she..."

I laughed.

I am a dignified mayor, a light of righteousness in the eyes of the people of Bangkang, but I can only feel relaxed when I hang out with this group of people. So I threw my feet on the table and started dangling.

"You guys, after following me for such a long time, when have you ever seen me eating my food?"

"729 and the village have to be cut down. I knew it the day I met Lao Qiao. How can I do it step by step and all the trust in me has disappeared?"


"Okay, just go if you like. Your heart is no longer with me. Isn't it hard for me to keep you?"

I pushed the card back on the table: "But I can't take your money."

"It's not about money." Yutou said as he picked up his bank card and put it into his pocket without blushing at all: "Master, tell us, how do you deal with this situation now? "

"I can't handle it!"

I looked at the fish head and said, "Is it too late for me to burn incense and worship Buddha now?"

"Then when did you start preparing?" Lao Smoking couldn't wait any longer. He half stood up on the stool, bent over and raised his buttocks, pressing his elbows on my desk.

"From the first time we boarded Lao Zhao's ship."

Facially paralyzed, he looked at the others without knowing this, and Yutou ignored him, waiting for my next words.

"I was wondering at that time. The people behind the sale and manufacture of small happiness were all warlords, and they used mules to transport the goods. So who was the road to the old Zhao family sold to?"

"Later I won Meng Neng and then Bangkang, and then I understood this!"

"Yutou, tell me, when we were in Mengeng, if someone dared to deliver the goods to our land, what would you local bastards do?"

Yutou's face darkened: "If I let one of them escape, it would be because I used too much force when I was in bed with the girl the night before."


I tapped the table with my fingers: "We all see that road just like the women in bed, who will sell it to outsiders? If I dare to sell, you dare to buy? Aren't you afraid of being black and white? I can't even I’ve sold all my little joys, but you still think I have credibility, right?”

"Later, after I contacted Lao Zhao, he risked his life to participate in the import and export ports, and I became even more confused."

"This is indeed a piece of fatty meat, but it's in my bowl and I've already taken a bite. If you hold out your chopsticks, aren't you looking for a fight?"

"It wasn't until Zhu Yeqing appeared here and I rescued her from the hands of people sent by Kapok that the whole thing was completely understood."

The fish head was so anxious that it almost flew up and bit someone: "Master, stop being so pretentious, what on earth is it!"


"What?" Yutou sat back on the chair as if he was frustrated: "How strong is the little happiness we gave birth to? Who can take the pills?"

I picked up the folder and hit him directly on the head: "You only know how to be evil!"

"How much profit does Little Happy make in the country of origin?"

"Nowadays, the world is going high-tech, and our gadgets have long been outdated. They can still be sold, but they are just highly addictive!"

"The medicine is different."

"That thing was developed after foreign countries spent billions and tens of billions of dollars on long-term and large-cost investments to overcome the disease, and after many experiments. Once the experiment is successful, the cost must be recovered quickly with high profits... What's going on here? I’ve been listening to it for a long time but I still don’t understand it. I’ll let Zhu Yeqing explain it to you when I get the chance. There are people in their Chinese Chamber of Commerce who are doing this.”

"But Brother Asan knows how to play. Over there, they completely ignore intellectual property rights and just copy the medicine and reap the ready-made dividends. As a result, many domestic patients have to discount air tickets because they can't afford the medicine. Fly, just to survive.”

"How much money does our little happy guy earn? We produce it here and ship it to the country, risking people's lives, stabbing his own brothers, and taking advantage of the gangsters. In the end, more than 10,000 people share the profits, and only a few cents are left in the pocket?"

"Why don't we build a factory and produce medicine directly?"

"What kind of intermediary channel will we use in the future? Will we still lead the donkey? Go to hell!"

"Everyone is just fooling around as far as they want. Why should we offend the whole world just to earn those two cents?"

"You're risking favors, reputation, and fucking lives!"

"I will build a factory to produce drugs, special drugs for leukemia, special drugs for uremia, and anti-cancer drugs. If America comes up with one, I will copy it. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. If you don't accept it, go to FIFA and sue me!"

Yutou suddenly froze when he heard this, and reminded: "Master, the United Nations."

"Love Na Na Na!"

I waved my hand: "In the past, if we had sex with someone because of the joy of giving birth, people would point their noses at us and say they were criminals. Now, I feel like I have straightened my waist!"

"This is called defending life."

I stretched out two hands at the same time, one hand was placed in the shadow and said: "On one side, the hands are full of blood, enjoying wealth and honor with all evil;" the other hand was placed in the sun: "On the other side, they are respected by others, full of truth, I still feel confident about making money.”

"Tell me, why don't I cut down 729 and the village?"

"Do you know how big the market will be for just these medicines after they are shipped across the border?"

"When it's hard to choose between being a good person or a bad person, if you can make the same money by harming people or saving people, wouldn't this question be difficult?"

The fish head, the old smoker, and the facial paralysis all remained silent.

At this moment, I finally said as if I was relieved of a heavy burden: "It's the same as crossing the border. One way is to be punished with death if you resist, and you will be shot to death if you resist; the other way is to be convicted of smuggling and imprisoned for a few years." After being released, a group of patients must be grateful, so why should I continue to smear feces on my body?"

When I said the last sentence, I deliberately regretted it: "Hey, why are I telling you all this? Let's get together and relax. Let's go. Before you leave Wa State, let's have a drink together. Have a good drink. Maybe this I’ll never see you again in my lifetime.”

As soon as I walked out from behind the desk, Yutou grabbed my arm and said, "Master, do you also have to take away the goods?"

"That's for sure. This thing is also illegal. Not only does it infringe on other people's intellectual property rights, but it also has to be smuggled. It's a big sin."

Lao Yanqiang grabbed my other arm: "Master, smuggling, we are familiar with this matter."

I quickly shook my head and said, "No, no, no, no, no, I understand you. You can't be controlled. Can I make things difficult for you?"

"You have been with me through life and death for several years. So, you guys, take your money and enjoy life..."

The faceless man snatched the bank card back from the table, put it in his pocket, and said with a half-faced grin: "Master, take me one."

"Hold it back!"

Good guy, when he smiled, I was so surprised that he didn’t scare me! (End of chapter)