Chapter 515: They thought I was here to reason!

Style: Romance Author: Breaking goldWords: 2106Update Time: 24/02/20 10:16:39
In the conference room of the Bangkang Municipal Government, many officials have gathered. Except for the main seat, there is a half-bula sitting on the left hand next to the main seat, a Meng Neng Wa leader sitting on the right, and an old falcon wearing gloves and the other. He held a cigarette in one hand and smoked it one after another.

The atmosphere in the conference room was pretty good at that time. Banbula used all his communication skills and frequently greeted the people around him; the Wa leader had a cold face and didn't answer anyone, as if there was a clear line in front of him. Chu River and Han Dynasty.

It wasn't until I entered the conference room that the whole room became completely silent.

After the old harrier saw me, he walked aside with great respect, reached out and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

The next second, these municipal officials followed suit, and order suddenly fell into place in the smoky meeting room.

"Let me introduce to you..."

I sat down at the main table, leaned back on the chair casually, looked at the officials who were sitting upright and put their hands on the table and said: "The one on my left is called Banbula, who was the former director of the Meng Neng Judicial Committee. "

"I plan to let him take over the position of Secretary-General of Bangkang City and be responsible for communication between us."

"The person on my right is the leader of the Mengneng Wa ethnic group. I heard that there are still vacancies in the Ethnic Affairs Office of Bangkang City. From now on, I plan to let him take over the work of the Ethnic Affairs Office to handle matters related to the Wa ethnic group and other ethnic groups."

"Everyone, do you have any comments?"

From a political point of view, this is actually an all-out exchange, just like the deal between a king in Rome and the Presbyterian Council. Every time he agrees with a move of the Presbyterian Council, the Presbyterian Council will add an extra word to his name to show respect.

According to common sense, when I stuff my people into the city government, my first choice is insignificant positions. When I have enough voice, I can target important positions, and then defeat them one by one and win them one by one. In this process, I need to bear the humiliation and constantly use various conditions in exchange for my own voice in the city government...

This is the process of power succession, otherwise, the cruelty of the warlord will be revealed and all municipal officials will label me a 'tyrant'.

"Mr. Xu, I have no objection to the position of Secretary-General." The first person to speak was an official in police uniform. If I guessed correctly, he should be the police chief of Bangkang.

"However, the ethnic office is Bangkang's top priority... Should there be more candidates so that everyone can have an alternative for discussion?"

The meaning of what they say is that you are the boss. It is okay for you to put forward conditions first. It is also okay to send people to Bangkang City Hall. However, we have to come one by one. If you send someone in, we will make a condition that we cannot come together. both.

So if Qiang Qin is addicted to ceding territory, will he still have a leader?

For someone like me who has climbed out from the bottom, now looking at these people's political pettiness, it's like counting three beans in a big iron basin. It's as clear as day...

"Do you have any other candidates?"

I smiled and gave the Wa leader a wink, and then looked at Banbula.

The police chief just opened his mouth: "I think Lai Deng, the Wa leader from Bangkang, is very suitable for this position."

This was a choice proposal. Leiden had already surrendered when Boncom was not captured. In theory, he is my man. But Layden is familiar with everyone in this office, and they will do things very smoothly. It is a situation where both parties are on good terms, and it is not a serious confrontation.

Banbula said at this moment: "This Leiden is indeed a very suitable candidate..." Before he could finish his words, Haika glared at him, thinking that he was trying to turn his elbows outward. Who knew what would happen next? In a second and a half, Bulla's words took a complete turn: "But the reconstruction of Mengmao is also very important. We need a capable person there. Leiden really can't leave."

"Haika, the leader of the Meng Neng Wa tribe, is no less capable than Laiden. Apart from not being familiar with Bangkang, he does things in the same orderly manner. Besides, any city needs to give young people opportunities, otherwise how can it thrive? ?”

When Ban Bra stabbed me with a gentle knife, it was neither painful nor itchy. When discussing personnel planning, he always stood firmly on my side and rejected all the suggestions of the police chief.

The police chief didn't speak for nearly thirty seconds, and he kept looking me in the eyes.

It’s not that he didn’t have any words, but he was thinking about my bottom line.

Regarding my reputation in Menneng, the police chief who works in Bangkang must have heard about it. If I jump too high in this situation and cause trouble that I shouldn't cause...

He turned his head back, and when he saw everyone looking at him, he finally looked over again and said, "The Secretary-General's words are very reasonable, and we agree with them."

"But the situations of Bangkang and Menneng are different..."

After he said this, Haika immediately put on a fighting face, while I still sat there expressionless.

I understood Haika's expression. He felt that the police chief used the different situations between Bangkang and Meneng to call me a bumpkin. The boss was humiliated, just like he was humiliated, he immediately became unwilling.

If this is still possible, then this group of people will definitely not be so united. They will work on their own under my shadow, and they will even quarrel over who I prefer. As soon as I came out, the whole environment changed. This piece of scattered sand had to form a whole next to me. Even if any point was attacked, they all had to share the same hatred.

Therefore, sometimes unity is not the result of the leader's personal charisma. There are also situations where the people around him are put into an environment where unity is necessary.

But when looking at this scene from an outsider, they would think that "the people in Meng Neng's group are really united."

"Bangkang is closer to the east. Many things must have rules and regulations, and even some illegal things cannot be directly dealt with..."

"Too intense conflicts will bring social instability. If some people in the Jianghu cause trouble, they will not attack people like us. They will attack the businessmen from the east and ask the east to hold them accountable. This is very dangerous. Troublesome stuff.”

This is Bangkang's politics. Everyone is pursuing their own goals with high-sounding reasons. This reason may be social stability and prosperity, people may live and work in peace and contentment, or it may be economic development. In short, it will not be his personal interests. But once this layer of disguise is torn apart, everything can be seen clearly.

I still didn't say anything. As a boss, you should always know when it's the right time to speak. For things like this, you have to let your subordinates argue. What do you think you are like when you are already the boss and argue with others?

Haika turned his head to look at me, and I smiled at him. Haika turned his head back as if he had received an imperial edict, and responded to the police chief in the most normal voice: "Just now, I heard you say the word 'Jianghu'? Really?"

He's going to fight back! (End of chapter)