Chapter 511 Giant Bone Arowana (Thanks Mr__lrz for the tip!)

Style: Romance Author: Breaking goldWords: 2190Update Time: 24/02/20 10:16:39
The top floor office of Bangkang Municipal Government.

When I stepped into Bangkang's most magnificent office in the early morning and saw the space where Mr. Bao usually works, at that second, I really felt like I was sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

In the office, as soon as you enter the door, there is a screen wall made of fish tank walls. On both sides of the fish tank wall, there are two small fish tanks. In the fish tank wall, two huge giant arowanas are swaying. Mr. Bao’s former secretary told me that every time Mr. Bao came, he would take two fish from the fish tank next to him and feed them to the giant arowana to experience the wild nature that is gradually being lost in the city.

I gave it a try and used a fishing net to fish out a fish as short as an arm from a small fish tank and put it into a large bathtub like a screen wall. As soon as the fish went in for a second, the giant dragon fish rushed up and swallowed it in one gulp. Finally, a whole ball of blood mist was sprayed out from both cheeks in the water. The whole process was extremely bloody!

After bypassing the screen wall, when I completely entered the room, the first thing that caught my eye was the sunken reception area. You have to go down a few steps before you can enter the square reception area. When you look up at this time, you can see the round circle above your head. The shaped ceiling flashes with various lights like decorations. The lights are color-coded maps of Myanmar, and this reception area also corresponds to the round sky and the square.

Coming out of the guest area, there are huge bookshelves on both sides. There are various books on the bookshelves, but all of them are in Chinese. At both ends of the bookshelf, there are four pairs of ancient armors, two pairs of European-style armors and two pairs of European-style armors. Chinese armor faces each other across the reception area;

Further forward is the desk carved out of giant tree roots.

When I walked into the office, stood behind the desk, looked down at the entire Bangkang along the floor-to-ceiling windows, and finally sighed and said, "Mr. Bao really knows how to enjoy it."

The secretary quietly withdrew at this time, leaving this moment to me alone.

This is also a delicate and wonderful person who knows that the winner needs time alone to digest the pride that has just surged in his heart.

Then, I heard a door slamming deliberately to convey the sound. When I turned around, Mr. Da Bao's former secretary had already exited the room.

In fact, this woman... I really know her, but I can recognize her not because of her appearance, but because of her voice. I asked Sierra to scold her, and she even scolded her very dirty...

Thinking of this, I smiled. I'm afraid she still wouldn't have thought that I was the one who made jokes on the phone.

With a smile, I sat where Mr. Da Bao once sat. I put my feet on the table comfortably and opened the drawer on the side of the desk. When I looked over aimlessly, I saw what I saw. , turned out to be a USB flash drive.

I'm a bit confused. As the boss of the Wa State, why would he put this thing in his desk drawer when he has nothing to do?

So, I opened the laptop on my desk and inserted the USB flash drive...

The information displayed inside made my eyesight go dark!

There is information about all the important figures in Myanmar. The first one is actually Peng, the boss of the Kokang King. Next, there are the four major families of the Kokang, Lin Minxian of Eastern Shan State, leaders of Northern and Southern Shan States, and people under various major forces. VIP.

I finally understand how Mr. Big Bao plays this game on weekdays. He uses the most detailed character information in Myanmar to design a plan of "who should be used to contain whom." Moreover, with just this move, The Eastern Shan State did not dare to move for many years.

What does this mean?

It shows that Mr. Bao has a huge intelligence network, and perhaps this intelligence network is better informed than the Zhao family.

Thinking of this, I no longer had the intention to continue reading this information. Instead, I took out all the drawers on my desk and rummaged through them one by one, hoping to find more clues...

But, still found nothing.

I took out the phone: "Hello? Yang Rong?"

"Brother." Yang Rong responded to me with the shortest answer.

"Take someone to the Baojia Manor, search through it carefully, find out all the valuable things inside, and send them to the Bangkang Municipal Government Office immediately."

Yang Rong paused: "Brother, what are you looking for?"

"I don't know for sure, but now I am very sure that Mr. Bao has an intelligence network in his hand that can expose the color of our underwear. You have to dig out this intelligence network for me as soon as possible. This thing, It’s worthy of a hundred thousand elite soldiers!!”

Intelligence is the most valuable thing in the chaotic Myanmar, but my position has never reached the stage where it is worth touching this class. As a result, many things have to be guessed.

Now God has given me an opportunity to own an intelligence force that Da Bao has spent his whole life building. How could I not cherish it?

"Okay, I'll go with Burea right now."

When I put down the phone and looked at the messy desk and the laptop in front of me with no password set, the trouble Annie caused me was nothing. As long as I can dig out this information network and hold it firmly in my hands...

You can even postpone the plan to calm down the people after taking complete control of Bangkang!

Yes, even though I have defeated Bangkang, I still haven't completely taken control of the city.

In other words...controlling a city and controlling a county are two completely different models.

In Meng Neng, I can just stare, curl my mouth, and shoot wherever my fingers are. If anyone dares to stab me, I will dig a hole and bury him. But can this approach work in Bangkang?

That's okay while the war is going on, but what about after the war?

This is equivalent to entering the Jinluan Palace. If you grab the minister and press it to bleed him, wouldn't that make him Li Zicheng?

But if the hand is soft, then these ministers will introduce all kinds of regulations, rules and bills to limit the monarch's power. The game here and the power here are completely two systems.

In a place like this, you can only use your own means within the system to make them surrender. Otherwise, someone will try to subvert the regime through the method of "water can carry a boat or capsize it"!

Therefore, after I entered Bangkang, I did not work hard. I asked Yang Rong to control the troops. I didn't even stay at the Bao Manor and checked into the hotel directly.

I'm waiting for an opportunity to completely reshuffle Bangkang's top-level buildings.

When, when, when.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

The secretary opened the door and asked tentatively: "Mr. Xu, Ms. Zhu Ming from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce wants to see you..."

After what happened at the Eleven Guild Hall yesterday, this Zhuyeqing and I didn't reach any agreement, so we turned around and left.

I had to tell Anne in this way that I was very angry about her transgression, but in fact, due to her identity, I really couldn't handle it, so I had to use another method to deal with it coldly.

The problem is that I can afford to wait, but Zhuyeqing can't. No, he came here very early in the morning.

"Let her come in." I said with a smile towards the door, and then walked towards the giant dragon fish at the door. (End of chapter)