Chapter 465: What's going on with 'loss' (Thanks to 'Ordinary Man' for the 1,000 reward!)

Style: Romance Author: Breaking goldWords: 2217Update Time: 24/02/20 10:16:39
The West Asians did not bring me any equipment, but they brought me business.

In that dilapidated lumber factory in Meneng, where Man Gui died and where Old Yao Ying asked me to cut off one of his hands, someone rushed to the Judicial Committee, wheezing and gasping, saying that they were taking the order!

I'm confused!

Even if you come over and say that you have received the ticket, I will think that Teacher Yu has punished you in the wrong place, but what does the order mean?

As for that shabby lumber factory, the only job is to hollow out the logs and stuff them with goods. I guess you asked those carpenters to break the logs into squares with minimal loss. How could they do it? order?

Anne said this: "Mr. Xu, what I ordered is wood, but don't bring anything else with it. You must understand what I mean, right?"

I understand. Isn't it because you don't want to openly give me money and start building relationships?

"Annie, I'm a little hesitant to do this business." I explained: "I guess the wood produced in our small place may not meet the specifications."

I have never been in the lumber business, but I have heard that there are a lot of crooked ways here. The price of dried wood and the wood that has not been dried are completely different, the goods are not on the right board, and the wood is rotten...

"Hey, so much strategic material reserves are lost every year, how can we still be short of you?"

I suddenly understood!

I understand why there is "loss" in strategic material reserves. At that time, this word appeared in the news. I also wondered who was so blind and dared to sell defective products. It turned out that this is what happened!

What does this equate to?

It's equivalent to when all nations came to court. After driving dozens of sheep to Beijing, I brought back a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry!

Annie glanced at me: "How much wood did you order?"

I immediately replied: "Hey, what kind of bag are you interested in?"

Annie lowered her head and was so happy. This was the first time I saw her so embarrassed. After all, she was a woman.

But the good news doesn’t end there, Meng Neng’s broken brick kiln also received an order!

I thought that this West Asian man was really capable of doing some serious business and wanted to stuff my mouth with meat, but I could only see these two things he could do after he tried to do it.

I was so anxious that I rushed directly to the hotel and started digging into my property in front of the West Asian people.

Things that should have been kept secretly and tacitly understood in private were forced on me to put on the table.

I really have no idea. How much are a few broken bricks and pieces of broken wood worth?

Could this be the most valuable thing?

It's a mine!

It’s a jade mine that hasn’t been cleared out after all these years!

I first went to the villa and picked out a piece of jade that looked like a pool of green water in the sun and brought it over. It was about the size of a fist. Among all the jade stones that Lao Qiao gave me, this was the only one of the same grade and color. , and no impurities.

I don’t know if my description is right or not. Anyway, I found the one that looked the best and the most eye-catching. When I sent it, I said, “This is our Meng Neng specialty, so please accept it.”

The awkward smile on the West Asian's face shows what it means to be unspeakable, and his eyes seem to say: "Can't you be more subtle?"

I put Yuqiang into his hand, and this West Asian talent who knew the goods reluctantly took a look in the sun. With this glance, he exclaimed a word that I had only heard of but never really seen: "Emperor Green" !”

Later, I realized how stupid these warlords were, including myself!

"You have this?"

When asked by the West Asians, I nodded and responded, "It's always been there. There is a mine near Meneng, and the prisoners' daily job is to break stones in the mine."

The West Asian asked again: "Do you know how much this thing is worth?"

I answered casually: "Tens of thousands of yuan, I heard. It seems like buying a decent bracelet costs tens of thousands."

The West Asian man looked at me like he was looking at a country man, and immediately curled up his lips: "The stone you brought is worth tens of millions!"


I knew that this stone was unique among many jade stones, and I also knew that it was brightly colored, but I never thought it could be worth the price.

The West Asian explained: "This is a fully opened rough stone. It is cut out after knocking off all the stones outside. Its original volume may weigh several tons... It is hard to estimate how big it is, but I can cut it from the surrounding stones." It can be seen from the traces that only the best piece was picked out of this stone."

I don’t know anything about the jewelry industry, so I can only nod blindly.

"How many more of the same do you have?"

I smiled and said, "That's it. I can't bring it to you if it's not good, but I still have several warehouses for the uncut ones."

"How many!"

This time it was the West Asians' turn to be surprised.

The West Asian people said in confusion: "You don't need to guard such a treasure to engage in fraud and drugs?"

He explained to me the domestic jade market and the derived stone gambling market, and then I understood why he was so surprised.

I'm like a rich African man who uses his family's diamond mines to exchange weapons and ammunition one by one, and then produces drugs... I seem to be sick!

Just like those Arabs who are crazy about oil production underground, after exchanging oil for money, they announced that their country's main business will be stinky tofu.

The West Asians are planning to build a huge jade trading center in Mengneng. If I hadn't exposed this thing to him today, he wouldn't have known that such a good treasure was hidden in this land of hundreds of battles in northern Myanmar.

"Okay, you can do it. When it's done, you will account for 51% and I will account for 49%."

The West Asian man glared at me: "If we can each hold 30%, we will be extremely rich!"

Or maybe the accounting calculation is correct. You have to sell this thing to make money. If you can't sell it, won't it still be a stone? Part of it must be used to pave the road, and enough profits must be left for the merchants...

I have now begun to think about whether to add a new project to the casino. When I was about to leave the hotel room of the West Asian, he asked me: "You really don't know how valuable jade is?"

I smiled, not pretending.

If you insist on saying that I don't know, there's nothing wrong with it. I really don't know how much this thing is worth, and I don't understand the jewelry industry.

But that’s jade!

I'm not a pussy!

If this doesn't give you the same opportunity to be a teacher, do I have to humbly discuss with you, "Can I help Menneng build a jade trading market?"

How great is this? You feel like you've taken advantage of it, and I'm relieved. Not only are we both making money, but we've also found a new way to make money.

I left, and the West Asian was the only one left in the room. From the look on his face, it was as if a bug had flown into his throat when he opened his mouth to breathe. He had obviously swallowed a piece of meat, but he still felt nauseous. But what can we do? You can't spit it out either.

At this moment, I was filled with joy when I received a call from Lao Lin: "Master, my Master Xu!"

"You are a god who can pinch and calculate!"

"729 exploded!!!" (End of this chapter)