Chapter 158: Advanced Stage Spirit Wolf Beast (Part 2)

Style: Fantasy Author: chaosWords: 2159Update Time: 24/01/13 09:47:24

The sharp claws broke through the shield formed by countless water droplets, and the sharp claw tips slashed across the body of the wind student.

A trace of blood suddenly appeared, shockingly appearing on the chest of the wind student.


The wind student fell backwards, his body overflowing with blood mixed with the dust on the ground and rolled for a long distance.

" could this happen?!" The water-type girl whose face was covered with acne widened her eyes in horror.

Her water control has obviously reached the third level, why can't she withstand the attack of this ghost wolf beast? ?

She herself has fought countless times, and it is clear that she can resist any demon's attack.

"You're too slow. Don't wait until I tell you to protect yourself next time!" Li Junwei said with a sullen face and a bit of scolding.

Yes, the water-type girl's release was slow. The claws of the ghost wolf beast were torn off the wind-type student before the water-bending skills were fully formed. It seemed that the timely water-bending skills were only able to resist The follow-up impact of the Ghost Wolf Beast!

"Beast, taste my thunder seal!!"

Purple thunder and lightning roared in mid-air, and under the control of the thunder academy, they blasted crazily towards the location of the ghost wolf beast.

The lightning was dazzling, and python-like thunder and lightning marks struck down one after another, seemingly completely surrounding the ghost wolf beast.

The ghost wolf sniffed its nose and smelled the anxiety coming from the air.

Its hind limbs stepped heavily, and its body jumped sideways with great grace...

The next second, the place where the Ghost Wolf Beast stood was bombarded and whipped by dozens of thunder seals, and an obvious blackened area appeared.

A little arc of electricity danced on the dark blue hair of the ghost wolf beast. Unfortunately, this small amount of static electricity could not cause any harm. The ghost wolf beast turned around, its green eyes locked on the student who released the thunder seal.


The head was raised proudly, and the depth of the throat was like a deep cave, and a gust of evil wind surged up without warning!

The demon wind rolled out from the mouth of the ghost wolf beast, and they swept away wantonly. It rolled up all the gravel on the surface and spread the dust everywhere!

"Holy crap, is this still flying sand and stone??" Mo Fan couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing this.

The first flying sand and rocks that Mo Fan came into contact with should have been a whole piece of gravel flying over like a shotgun. For an ordinary person's body, this kind of attack is enough to leave countless bloody holes on the body.

But now, the flying sand and rocks spit out by my own ghost wolf beast...

The area was more than twice as rough as the first time Mo Fan saw it, and it was like spitting out a small sandstorm.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Li Junwei's expression changed completely.

The flying sand and rocks can actually be avoided by just rolling if they react a little faster. The ghost wolf beast was displayed from a long distance.

However, as soon as this small sandstorm covering a quarter of the fighting beast's iron cage came over, no matter where he ran, he would be punched with thousands of holes.

Li Junwei slammed his hands down on the ground in shock.

"Ground wave!"

With Li Junwei as the center, a ripple of soil spreads out in a circle.

The ripples carried the thunder and fire partners beside Li Junwei and quickly pushed them towards both sides of the fighting beast iron cage.

"Zouzi, get behind me!" Li Junwei shouted.

After pushing his two partners away, Li Junwei knew that he couldn't expect the water girl to release a second water guard in such a short time.

The water girl ran behind Li Junwei, but at this time, the flying sand and rocks that filled the air had already rushed towards her face, and her cheeks were scratched by the small sand flying in front of her.

"Vine wall!"

With a thought, Li Junwei activated his own unique defensive magic tool.

A flash of green light, and countless green and black rattans appeared strangely in front of Li Junwei. These vines are intertwined with each other, and new thin vines are constantly derived, densely intertwined.

The sandstorm finally struck, and they rushed one after another, making a harsh sound.

If there hadn't been such a dense vine wall blocking Li Junwei and Pox, their weak bodies would have been smashed by these powerful gravels.

"This student is good." Dean Xiao looked at the hazy area with a relieved smile on his face.

Zhou Zhenghua, chairman of the Soil Department, also had some radiance on his face.

A moment ago, Luo Song stood up and gave their earth department a face. He didn't expect that there was a student in the department like Li Junwei who knew how to work in a team.

Use the ground wave to quickly push two fire and thunder teammates who have no defense or escape ability to a safe area, and then use your own magic equipment to protect yourself and the water teammates behind you...

The flying sand and rocks of that ghost wolf beast were obviously powerful enough to beat all four of them with holes. The result was resolved by an earth mage like Li Junwei.

Nowadays, there are too many elementary earth magicians who don’t know their own position or what role they play in battle. However, Li Junwei’s performance can be said to have impressed all the confused earth magicians. a lesson.

The earth element can be the core of the entire team. The ability to manipulate surface waves at will will become a bond between team members and make the entire team more mobile.

"It's a pity that they lost." Dean Xiao added faintly.

Zhou Zhenghua, the director of the soil department, was slightly startled, and his eyes suddenly focused on the dusty iron cage fighting arena.

Dust comes and settles quickly.

Li Junwei's performance was certainly outstanding, but in the face of absolute strength. His use of these skills and overall view are very pale.

In the yellow mist, a handsome silhouette stood in front of Li Junwei, with dark green pupils less than 1 meter apart, staring at Li Junwei with a bit of violence.

Li Junwei and Poxin raised their heads. They had just escaped a flying sandstorm and their bodies felt like they were immersed in ice-cold water. Especially Poxin, she was even about to faint from the sudden scene.

"Three stages of explosion..." Li Junwei raised his head, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He was originally unwilling to believe that this was an advanced spirit wolf beast, but now he would no longer have any doubts.

The Ghost Wolf Beast that can complete three bursts is definitely in the advanced stage. It is a ferocious creature that is halfway to the warrior level.

Their team of five might not have a problem dealing with ordinary monsters, but when faced with advanced creatures, they looked like children and could easily be disintegrated and hunted! (To be continued.)