Chapter 1084 Jun family, you have no regrets!

Style: Fantasy Author: J GodWords: 2479Update Time: 24/01/13 00:21:24
The big and barbaric state.

A land of red desert with thousands of miles of red land.

This place is the ancestral land of the Red Owl clan, the quasi-imperial clan that has become famous in foreign lands recently.

The Red Owl clan was not very famous originally, nor was it particularly outstanding among the top ten royal clans.

But because the ancestor of his clan, the Red Owl King, became an immortal king by forcefully attaining enlightenment.

All of a sudden, the entire clan was promoted and became a quasi-imperial clan.

After that, the Red Owl King fought against the white-clothed God King of the Fairyland Jun family in the borderland.

This battle can be said to be the battle where King Red Owl became famous.

After all, the combat power of the Jun family's white-clothed god-king is obvious to all.

Later, some members of the Red Owl clan spread the news.

The white-clothed divine king of the Jun family was missing because he was severely injured by the Red Owl King.

This is undoubtedly a kind of momentum.

Let King Red Owl and the entire Red Owl clan take their prestige to a higher level.

But now, deep in the ancestral land of the Red Owl clan.

The top of a mountain of flames.

An old man in red robes and red eyebrows sat cross-legged in the void.

A pair of red wings on the back are imprinted with endless ancient runes.

The surrounding sea of ​​fire rose and fell, and endless fire runes emerged.

Behind it, there seemed to be endless beings and spirits rising and falling in the sea of ​​hell fire.

This is almost the ultimate evolution of the Way of Fire.

The old man sits cross-legged in the center of heaven and earth, like the ancestor of all fires, capable of burning up the entire universe.

This red-browed old man is the immortal of the Red Owl clan, the Red Owl King.

At this moment, under the throne of Scarlet Owl.

There was a handsome man in red-gold armor, listening to the sound of Taoism and comprehending the Great Way of Fire.

If you were happy here, you would definitely be familiar with this person.

It was Chi Hongyu.

He is also a close disciple of King Red Xiao.

Previously at the Tushan Imperial Clan’s marriage recruitment meeting.

Chi Hongyu was defeated miserably by Jun Xiaoyao, and even the soul book was taken away.

It can be said that he is the spokesperson for the word "miserable".

"Huh? Is the door finally open?"

In the void, the Red Owl King is like a big sun, the light of blazing flames shining across the vast sky.

At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, looking straight into the sky like two small suns.

The black six-pointed star mark is reflected in the sky of the unspeakable land.

"It's him, Yu Xiaoyao..."

Below, Chi Hongyu also felt something, and his face instantly became ugly.

For him, what happened at the marriage recruitment meeting was simply a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from.

Jun Xiaoyao has become his inner demon.

But now, the gap between him and Jun Xiaoyao is getting wider and wider.

One is the Demonic Lord.

One is a loser who has lost his aura of genius and is ridiculed.

"Hongyu, your heart is not at peace." King Scarlet Owl said calmly.

"I'm sorry, Master. I really think about Yu Xiaoyao and I can't calm down. Now more news has leaked out that he is still some kind of Demon Lord."

Chi Hongyu's face looked ferocious.

"Well, that junior has a special status now, so it's inconvenient to touch him, but in the future, you have to retrieve the soul book with your own hands."

The Scarlet Owl King's tone remained calm.

Although the soul book was precious, it was impossible for him to put aside his identity and go get it himself.

Of course, he was also worried about King Shen'ao and others behind Jun Xiaoyao.

"Master, can I still catch up with Yu Xiaoyao?" Chi Hongyu looked gloomy and defeated, with deep inner demons.

King Scarlet Owl frowned slightly and said, "Hongyu, this little bump is just a small tribulation on the road to becoming the most powerful person."

"When you become a powerful person like your teacher, you will find that your past opponents are no longer in your eyes."

Chi Hongyu's eyes lit up and he said with admiration: "Indeed, I am ashamed of myself. Unlike my master, he has proven the Tao with great strength and can easily severely injure the god king of the Jun Family of the Immortal Realm!"

Speaking of this, Chi Hongyu had admiration in his eyes.

His master, King Scarlet Xiao, is his belief.

Although Chi Hongyu had inner demons in his heart.

But as long as the belief of King Scarlet Xiao exists, he will still have confidence.

"That's right, if I can prove the Tao, it will help pacify the Immortal Realm and increase the chance of winning by three points."

Faced with Chi Hongyu's compliments and admiration, King Chi Xiao completely accepted it.

"Master, can you tell me more about the battle with the God King of the Jun family? My disciple wants to understand, worship and realize the true meaning of being strong."

Admiration filled Chi Hongyu's eyes.

"No need, a strong person will not be obsessed with past achievements. A battle with Jun Wuhui is just a boring crush."

The Scarlet Owl King shook his head slightly, his tone indifferent, showing the aloof demeanor of the Immortal King.

It can be said that the force is completely full.

"Master is mighty!"

Chi Hongyu's eyes were filled with fanatical admiration.

However, at this moment.

King Scarlet Owl suddenly felt something and looked towards the void far ahead.

Vaguely, there is an extremely majestic force, breaking through the space and descending on this area.


The heaven and earth resonated, the endless void opened, and powerful pressure poured down.

In the ancestral land of the Red Owl clan, there were major earthquakes and tectonic plates cracked throughout the entire Red Land.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Has some big shot arrived?"

"It doesn't matter. My ancestor is here, what are you afraid of?"

Many members of the Red Owl clan were alarmed.

Even some quasi-immortals were awakened from their cultivation, and then their eyes showed anger.

"Bold, who dares to let my Crimson Owl clan run wild!"

"Aren't you afraid that the king of our clan will punish you?"

There is a quasi-immortal shouting.

At this time, the world suddenly became dark.

Everyone looked up and suddenly discovered that a huge figure blocked the skylight.

The figure was like a moving continent, even the sky was obscured by it.

"That's...a turtle?" A member of the Red Owl clan was stunned.

"No, it looks like a dragon head." Someone else said.

At this time, the voice of King Scarlet Owl came out.

"Who am I? It turns out to be King Shen'ao from the God of War Palace. Why did he come to our clan in such a big way?"

"What, it's actually King Shen'ao of the God of War Palace?"

Hearing the voice of King Red Owl, many creatures of the Red Owl tribe were frightened.

Shen'ao is an ancient alien species with a turtle shape and a dragon body.

In ancient legends, the sky collapsed, and Nuwa cut off the foot of Shen Ao and fixed the four poles of the cauldron. This refers to the ancient alien species Shen Ao.

King Scarlet Owl's words did not make King Shen'ao move at all.

Instead, another voice sounded.

"No reason, I just came to take your life!"

This voice and the clanging words are like thousands of sharp swords, blooming with sharp edges and resounding through the void.

Armed with steel, the world was suddenly filled with a majestic fighting spirit, as if it was about to tear the world apart!

The creatures of the Red Owl clan who heard this were stunned and their scalps were numb with shock.

Did they hear it wrong?

Someone actually said that they wanted to take the life of the Red Owl King?

Among countless shocked gazes.

A slender figure in white clothes slowly stepped out from the top of Shen Ao's head.

His face is blurred and filled with immortal aura.

There are also the sounds of sacrifices from living beings and the sounds of Sanskrit chants from gods.

Behind that white-clothed figure, there seemed to be three thousand divine kingdoms among them.

And he is like the king of the gods, his aura overpowering the heavens for all eternity, like a god who opens the sky!

"How is it possible? It's you..."

The pupils of the Scarlet Owl King suddenly condensed, and the sea of ​​fire rolled over and swept across the sky.

He couldn't control his breath!

That figure emerged in the glow, straight and slender, like the backbone of the sky!

The flickering corner of white clothes is the nightmare of countless alien creatures!

"Jun family, you have no regrets!"