Chapter 1417 The evolution of a race

Style: Fantasy Author: Xiao Sheng, tired of writingWords: 3007Update Time: 24/01/12 12:50:52
Although the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor is not completely sure about the origin of Ye Xiaoxiao's bloodline, he knows that this bloodline is absolutely remarkable.

For the Nine Ultimate Ancestral God, in normal times, he would definitely give Ye Xiaoxiao some guidance, but today he did not dare to do such a thing.

Because the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor already understood that Ye Xiaoxiao had been chosen. No matter what, he didn't dare to compete with others for Ye Xiaoxiao, no matter how powerful he was!

Even for the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor, even if the Immortal Emperor comes, he can't do anything to him. After all, he is rooted in Shenshu Ridge, and here, the Immortal Emperor can't kill him either!

However, the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor knew that in the world, sometimes the most terrifying thing was not the Immortal Emperor, and sometimes, the most terrifying thing was not the Immortal Emperor's wrath.

Regarding some dark things, the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor also knows some, and some terrible secrets can only be accessed by those at his level.

The more you come into contact with this kind of secret, the more you know what the taboos are in the world, and at the same time, you also know what the real reverse scale is!

It is precisely because of this that the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor knows that Ye Xiaoxiao has a great bloodline, but he does not dare to rob people!

"I hope there will be more peace and tranquility in the heavenly spirit world." The Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor couldn't help but murmured: "Some people, please wish for blessings. Anyone who doesn't have eyes will be exterminated!"

Having said this, the Nine Ultimate Ancestor God could not help but sigh softly. In fact, he hopes that some things will end quickly and pass quickly.

Although Shenshu Ridge is one of the twelve burial places, the burial place does not mean that it can pose a threat to anyone. For some people, the burial place is a place used to steal treasures. For example, the Legend in the Dark That hand!

Ye Xiaoxiao followed Li Qiye into the Divine Tree City. It was her first time in the Divine Tree City. She was full of novelty about everything here and couldn't help but look at everything in front of her curiously.

Walking into the Divine Tree City, it seems that this Divine Tree City hanging high in the sky is not much different from other cities in the Tianling Realm.

In this city, mansions and buildings were built one after another. Although these mansions and buildings are not very exquisite, they are much better than the rough buildings in the villages.

Moreover, there are many tree people in this sacred tree city. It doesn't seem to be much different from other ethnic groups. They all live their lives and live their own small lives.

Like other cities, the tree people in this sacred tree city are actually doing business, and some tree people are even very skilled in this way. Compared with other races, it doesn't seem like they are still a new race!

"Compared to the tree people in the villages and towns, the tree people in the sacred tree city seem to be smarter. They can do everything." Ye Xiaoxiao carefully observed the tree people in the sacred tree city.

These tree people in Shenshu Ridge can do business, and they are even eloquent when they open their mouths. They are no less than businessmen of any race.

Ye Xiaoxiao followed Li Qiye to Shenshuling. They had seen many towns and villages with tree people, but there were many towns and villages, especially villages with tree people. Basically they can't speak, and even if they do speak, it's just for simple communication.

However, the tree people in Shenshu Ridge are different. They can even talk about it without any communication barriers.

"This is a normal thing. After the tree people transform and are reborn, they need an adaptation process. During this adaptation process, it depends on their respective talents. Just like us, we are born. No one can speak. , how it develops later depends on each person’s talent, and the talent is different. The results will also be different.”

Ye Xiaoxiao followed Li Qiye as he wandered around the Divine Tree City. There were many shops in the Divine Tree City, many of which were run by tree people, and tree people did a lot of business, of all kinds, but. What is bought and sold more are elixirs and elixirs.

"The most elixirs and elixirs are bought and sold here. Is it because Shenshu Ridge is rich in elixirs and elixirs?" Ye Xiaoxiao also discovered the doorway here and couldn't help but ask.

"This is one of the reasons." In response to Ye Xiaoxiao's question, Li Qiye said with a smile: "There is also another reason, that is, the tree people are better than anyone else in finding the place where the elixirs grow. They are here On the one hand, they have different talents, not to mention, there are many, many tree corpses in the Divine Tree Ridge."

"What does this have to do with the tree corpse?" Ye Xiaoxiao asked strangely.

"Tree corpses live in groups, and they also live in groups. Moreover, tree corpses like to live with elixirs and elixirs. The more precious elixirs and elixirs grow in places, the more tree corpses live there. It is precisely because In this way, there are such terms as corpse nest and corpse cave in Shenshu Ridge."

At this point, Li Qiye was silent for a moment, and then continued: "The tree corpses are the descendants of the tree people. Even if they are the descendants of failures, the tree people are their parents! It is precisely because of this that the tree people are better than the tree people." It is easy for anyone to find tree corpses, which also means that in Shenshu Ridge, it is easier for tree people to find elixirs than anyone else."

"So that's it." After hearing Li Qiye's explanation, Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly realized.

Of course, the tree people in the Divine Tree City are not only engaged in the business of elixirs and elixirs. Some tree people even engage in the business of weapons. However, after all, the tree people who deal in weapons are only a minority.

"Do tree people know how to practice?" This made Ye Xiaoxiao very strange, because there was a shop specializing in selling skills secrets in this sacred tree city, which seemed a bit incredible.

"It's hard to say." Li Qiye understood Ye Xiaoxiao's question and said: "In fact, each generation of newly transformed tree people is changing. They are being perfected in every era. Whether they can practice or not, this We can’t make a conclusion yet. However, they are transformed from corpses, so they can leave some marks and traces of their former owners. For example, they can remember some skills, or they can still know some moves."

Speaking of this, Li Qiye also took Ye Xiaoxiao to visit such a shop. After a casual look, he said: "These skills are collected from other tree people. Some tree people have the memories of their former owners. Therefore, they know a lot of skills, but many of them are incomplete. Such incomplete skills may be useful for half-dead people like tree people, but for us monks, if we are not careful, we will Obsessed."

Li Qiye took Ye Xiaoxiao around the entire Divine Tree City. The Divine Tree City was very big, which also dazzled Ye Xiaoxiao. For Ye Xiaoxiao, being in Divine Tree City is much more interesting than any other place.

In fact, there are more than two monks like Ye Xiaoxiao and Li Qiye in the Divine Tree City. There are still some monks in the Divine Tree City. Some of these monks are disciples of Gu Lingyuan, as well as monks from all over the world, and there are many strong ones among them.

Apart from some of the monks who came to the Divine Tree City for curiosity, many of them came for the elixirs and herbs in the Divine Tree City.

Everyone knows that Shenzhizhou is rich in elixirs and elixirs. As for the burial place, Shenshu Ridge is also rich in elixirs. Many people even say that there are elixirs growing in Shenshu Ridge.

There is no doubt that in the entire Tianling Realm, there is no place where you can buy more elixirs and herbs than Shenshu Ridge.

Although the tree people are not necessarily particularly powerful, and they do not have the heritage of the Poseidon Heritage or the Immortal Sect of the Imperial Lineage, no one dares to mess around in the Divine Tree City. Everyone acts according to the rules of the Divine Tree Ridge. Buy and sell.

After all, Sacred Tree City has a patron saint like the Nine Ultimate Divine Ancestor. Anyone who dares to mess around in Sacred Tree City is asking for death.

It would be particularly unwise to force someone to buy or sell something in Shenshu Ridge. Even Gu Lingyuan, who could walk sideways in Shenzhi Continent, when they came to Shenshu Ridge, they still stayed within their bounds and did not dare to act recklessly.

Li Qiye wanted to observe the Divine Tree City, so he not only took Ye Xiaoxiao to wander around various places in the Divine Tree City, but he also stayed in the Divine Tree City and observed the tree people in the Divine Tree City.

In fact, in the long years, whenever Li Qiye came to the Tianling Realm, he would come to Shenshu Ridge, and he would make a comprehensive record and analysis of the tree people.

For monks, Shuren has no reference value, but for Li Qiye, it is different.

Originally, creation was a matter of heaven, but due to various reasons, Shenshuling gave birth to a brand new race. Although such a race has various shortcomings, they are not even like races such as humans and enchanting spirits. You can also get the protection of heaven and earth.

However, such a race full of flaws has survived, and has survived from era to era.

Although, so far, the tree people have not fully cultivated the third generation, and no tree people have been able to escape the constraints of blood, and they still cannot leave the Divine Tree Ridge!

However, every time Li Qiye compares his records, he will find that the tree people have changed a lot, and they are slowly getting closer to perfection. If they have enough time, one day, they will give birth to the third generation.

If that day comes, it will mean the birth of a brand new race. Such a race will no longer be tree people. Such a brand new race will probably compete with humans, enchantments, sea monsters, etc. The races are almost the same.

You know, the creation of life is a matter of heaven. If a brand new race is really born in Shenshu Ridge, it would be unimaginable.

Therefore, it is a great inspiration for Li Qiye to record the changes of tree people. This involves the mystery of life!

Moreover, Li Qiye also knows one thing. If the third generation of tree people is really successful, it will mean that a revolution has come. Shenshu Ridge will even break the balance of the heavenly spirit world. Maelstrom is one step ahead and has the advantage!

"You don't want to capture a treant to study, do you?" Ye Xiaoxiao said with a smile when he saw that Li Qiye stayed in Tree City for several days and studied the treant. (To be continued.)