1170. She was rescued

Style: Science Author: Demon innocentWords: 2393Update Time: 24/01/12 11:20:53
After dinner, Lin Luo washed up and went downstairs to practice as usual.

Gu Pei was resting in the bedroom downstairs.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she rests or not, but she can't sit aside and watch Lin Luo practice. Even if Lin Luo can't laugh, she will feel bored if no one talks to her.

It's better to go back to the bedroom.

Lin Luo usually practices for more than two hours.

Gu Pei's timing was not that accurate, but Feng Qianqian was very accurate.

As soon as Gu Pei opened her eyes, Feng Qianqian came down from upstairs.

"I'm going to change clothes." Lin Luo said. "You can call me Gu Pei."

Lin Luo didn't go upstairs, so he went to another bedroom to change clothes. When he came to the living room, Gu Pei had also come out.

"Let's go!" Lin Luo said.

"Use mental power." Feng Qianqian reminded.

Lin Luo had closed his eyes and nodded lightly to Feng.

Before Lin Luo opened his eyes, he heard Feng Qianqian's voice.

"Lin Luo, open your eyes and don't talk. Just stay here. Gu Pei and I will be back soon."

Lin Luo opened his eyes, nodded first, and then began to adapt to the darkness.

Her eyesight was very good, and coupled with her mental strength, she quickly adapted to the darkness.

Found her still in the room where she was tied.

Except for herself on the couch on May 5, 2021, there was no one else in the room.

Lin Luo suddenly understood why she had not been discovered, because the smell of a living person on her body was exactly the same as that of her other self.

Lin Luo stepped forward and tried his breath after ten months.

Very stable.

not dead!

He didn't seem to be hurt at all.

Lin Luo thought for a moment and decided to hide behind his future self.

The recliner is very wide, so as long as the lights are not turned on, humans will not notice her.

As for the non-human...if she could be found, she would have been found last time.

After all, she and her future self are the same person.

The ground is actually a little cold, but still bearable.

Lin Luo didn't know how long she had been sitting there, it probably hadn't been long because she wasn't tired yet.

Then, she saw that she seemed to be moving on the lounge chair in front of her.

No, it wasn't her who moved, but the threads connected to her body suddenly fell off one after another.

Immediately, Qin Yu suddenly appeared, holding her hand with his hand, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

Lin Luo covered his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from accidentally speaking.

Although Qin Yu didn't go with them to Gu Pei's place, she also knew that this Qin Yu was not the Qin Yu of 2020.

In this way, even if she didn't travel to the future, everyone would save her.

Of course it will, there is no doubt about it!

However, it's not enough to just save her. We also have to figure out the reason, and it's best to get rid of the culprit.

She was rescued in 2021, and she was the only one left in the house.

If someone came in at this time, a non-human being came in, and saw no one on the recliner, but could still feel her breath, would you be suspicious?

Lin Luo held his breath for a moment and decided to lie down on the recliner for a while.

Even if she couldn't connect those messy wires, if she put the wires on her body, she shouldn't be able to tell in such a dark place.

Lin Luo didn't know if there were any non-human beings in the room at the moment. There should be none.

She is also someone who can see those souls now.

She thought for a moment and decided to take the initiative to use her mental power.

Well, there was no one else in the room, not even humans.

Lin Luo stood up confidently and boldly, went to the recliner and lay down half-ly, then put the threads around his body in a mess, and closed his eyes.

If Gu Pei and Feng Qianqian come over, they will definitely find her, so there is no need to worry about this.

It just so happened that she could close her eyes and relax for a while.

The person who just came to save her was definitely not Qin Yu alone. Several people could sweep these threads away from her body in an instant.

But the only one who couldn't see anyone was Feng Qianqian.

Gu Pei should still be able to see a flash of green.


This place is eerie and there should be no plants. How did Gu Pei become invisible?

Or maybe, in fact, Gu Pei didn't need to be attached to the plant at all, but she was just trying to be modest.

I don't know if the two of them can find out Jin Shujiu's purpose of arresting her... Lin Xiaochen.

If it's just for Meng Yuan, then just attack Meng Yuan directly, there is no need to go through all the trouble of roundabout ways.

Moreover, he actually agreed to let her stay here instead of Lin Xiaochen.

Wait a minute!

It should be related to her and Lin Xiaochen's birthdays.

Is it possible that Lin Xiaochen was born at the same time as her?

That’s not right!

Judging from the name Lin Xiaochen, she should have been born in the early morning, at the same time as Lin Ran.

Oh, if measured in hours, it's the same.

Eleven midnight to one o'clock in the morning are the same time.

Lin Luo was thinking wildly when he suddenly felt a little cold.

This room was already dark and cold, but now it's even colder.

It should be that there are...non-human beings that she can't see?

Oh, she was pretending to be dizzy with her eyes closed, no wonder she couldn't see.

Not only can’t you see non-human beings, you can’t even see them being human. She can't see it either!

You can't open it either, it's easy to be exposed!

Immediately afterwards, she felt that the messy threads she had casually placed on her body moved and connected to her head and limbs.

Lin Luo held his breath and pretended to be still in a coma.

Qin Yu and the others rescued her in 2021 and should have left. I don't know if Feng Qianqian and Gu Pei have found out Jin Shujiu's purpose.

If he doesn't come to her again, will she become a test subject?


Since she traveled to a few months later, she should have this memory in 2021!

And shouldn’t everyone else in 2021 also know about this?

Even if others don't know, Gu Pei and Feng Qianqian should know it too!

Now, there should be two Gu Pei and two Feng Qianqian here, trying to find out Jin Shujiu's purpose.

And maybe Linxi.

After all, apart from her, the only one who could see Jin Shujiu and the others was Lin Xi.

Lin Luo felt relieved.

No matter what the purpose of these people...and inhumans...is, she has been rescued in 2021.

Since she is still alive in 2021, she will not die now.

It's better to stay there and wait for Gu Pei and Feng Qianqian to come back to find her!

Lin Luo almost screamed when his arm suddenly hurt.

Fortunately, it was just a blow, and the pain disappeared before she could scream.

But, suddenly I feel like sleeping, what's going on?


She must have been given an injection without knowing it just now!

No, she can't sleep!

If she falls asleep, not only her mental power cannot be used, but also other powers cannot be used.

But the injection seems to have been given!

Making a wish doesn't work for her!

It seems that we can only try again with mental power!

Let’s see if her strong mental strength can resist the changes that may occur in her body!


It doesn't seem to have much effect.

She is... still quite sleepy...

The Buddhist system is updated, don’t rush it, it’s useless to push it hahahahaha

(End of chapter)