106 Treatment by talking is called talk therapy

Style: Gaming Author: ice cave sealWords: 3126Update Time: 24/01/12 03:26:14
Normally, Mortarion would of course regard this "pity" from a mortal as a definite insult. But what is very surprising is that at this moment, the demon primarch is not only lifeless, but can even respond calmly:

"You only think so because you are trapped in the small world you know." He said this in the center of the chaotic battlefield, pretending to have a long conversation, but strangely, no one came to disturb them , "As I said, you are still too young. At your age, you are not old enough to realize most of the splendor or horror in the vast galaxy. Therefore, you will regard the emperor's lies as a standard and be He coaxes to be on the front lines of such danger.”

——The surrounding environment is abnormal. The filth and the bright spiritual energy clashed rapidly in some invisible way, and the time dimension in the center of the battlefield was misaligned with other areas. Except for Mortarion and Fujimaru Ritsuka, who were at the center of the conversation, the rest of the people nearby were almost as if they were frozen on a film, frozen in the almost stagnant flow of time.

"Don't listen to what he says." Guilliman, the only one who could barely speak in this time that was like viscous glue, struggled, the flame of the Emperor's Sword burning fiercely in his hands, "ignore him. Come behind me."

"Ha." Mortarion laughed sarcastically, "If you could realize what is happening around you now, would you still have the courage to say that?"

Everyone knows what is really going on around them. But what exactly is happening? Guilliman didn't know. Sigismund or Arjuna may be able to explain this, but they are obviously trying to fight the environment itself, and there is no room for long explanations-as for the others, they have almost completely become holographic images. A quiet scene.

During this period of time that was distorted by the invisible battle between the two subspace powers, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was isolated and had to face a demonic primarch alone, relaxed in his demeanor: "As far as the results are concerned, now Is it just the two of us, can we have a good talk alone?"

"It can also be understood that the only ones who can decide what will happen next are you and me." Mortarion said. Whispers representing corresponding omens floated from the subspace, and two magnificent gazes lingered on the center of Parmenio's battlefield, "No one will disturb us until we are finished."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was silent for a few seconds, and first chose to put the scepter in his arms, seemingly giving up the possibility of defense or counterattack, as if he was preparing to talk to a non-threatening existence. Then, she spoke: "I feel that before going further, I must correct a cognitive error in your mind: I am not standing here because of what the emperor said to me. The reason why I am here Standing here is entirely of my own free will."

"Hmph. Does what you call 'free will' really exist?" Mortarion sneered. "The Emperor has too many ways to implant an idea into other people's minds without leaving a trace, and also let the latter I think that's their own idea. How can you confirm that what makes you stand here is indeed 'your will' and not 'the will that the Emperor wishes you to have'?"

"If you measure 'free will' in that way, it can be said with certainty that 'free will' does not exist, because human will is generated in the interaction with reality, and no one can say that it is their own The will is not affected by any external objects." Fujimaru Ritsuka replied smoothly, "If time permits, I would like to talk to you about the difference between the definitions of 'absolute freedom' and 'relative freedom'... but then the topic will be lost. That's too biased. But as for the question 'Am I standing here because of the Emperor's will?', I can say with absolute certainty: No."

"How can I see it?"

"Because when I decided to stand up, I didn't know the Emperor at all. How could something that doesn't exist at all in my knowledge affect the will of the person involved?"

"As I have been saying, you are too young. You have no idea what a terrible path you have embarked on." Mortarion persuaded very patiently, "You may know that you will face thorns and pain. and death, but you can’t imagine the deep terror and despair you will encounter among the millions of planets throughout the galaxy. Besides, is death the most terrifying thing in the universe?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought for a moment, but did not reply. Instead, he changed the topic: "In this case, I haven't asked you yet, why are you standing here?"

Mortarion seemed a little surprised by this question, but he quickly answered: "Because you are here. My loving father Nurgle told me everything. You, like me in the past, are the corrupt one on the throne." Another victim in the corpse's "grand plan". The ruthless wizard will use various means to coax or force others to walk on the road he has arranged. Often, you have become his tool unconsciously. With the puppet—look what you have become!”

The demonic original body straightened up, suddenly spread its wings, and the shadow cast by its huge body easily engulfed Fujimaru Ritsuka's entire body.

"From your body, I can't see any flow of life! The perfect 'Circle of Three' doesn't even want to run in your body!" Mortarion's voice was surprisingly full of real anger. , "You are like an insect sewn into amber, becoming an inanimate object, because only in this way can the Emperor let his spiritual energy flow to the real universe through your body! As a tool, As a result, you have gained a longer lifespan - but how long is it? Fifty years? Thirty years? Under the tyranny of the wizard, how much time is left in your unfree life? "

After hearing these words, Fujimaru Ritsuka's first reaction was: Is the pseudo-third method that Irisviel imposed on herself the result in the eyes of outsiders?

"Of course I already know what you said - that's not what I want to ask." She was not distracted by irrelevant thoughts for too long. The young girl unconsciously stroked the subtle patterns on the scepter in her arms while thinking. , "Let's put it this way, I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. The fundamental reason why I'm standing here is because I want to live a regular life with five days off and two days off, and I can lie down and sleep at eleven or twelve o'clock every day. Student You should concentrate on going to school, the content of your adult job will not be too dangerous, and the salary you receive can at least provide a slight surplus after meeting the basic necessities of life for your family.

"In addition, I also want to chat with friends nearby during my break. We can go to coffee shops, shopping malls, movie theaters and other places together. We can afford it once every year and a half." A long journey to expand knowledge... something like this. I want to live a very unambitious 'ordinary life', and I think this should be the average life that ordinary people in the empire should have. In order to be able to travel on most imperial planets Having reached this 'average', here I am.

"Of course I know this sounds ridiculous. The Imperium's cumbersome bureaucracy, inefficient planning and slow development are things I am almost completely unable to fight against. Not even a Primarch like Roboute Guilliman can do this. Of course, I can't do it. However, all development must be based on a peaceful environment, right? When it comes to 'fighting chaos', I am quite experienced. If I can do it, then Just start with what you can do. That’s what I thought when I decided to stand up.”

This is really not what a person who dares to stand on the front line of the battlefield would say. Even the original body like Mortarion paused here before he could respond:

"...Stupid." He commented after a brief moment of astonishment. "Do you really think that you can achieve such a great achievement in your short life? I am not denying your ability, but questioning your ability. Lifespan. Even from the perspective of the hell created by the Emperor across the entire galaxy, it would take at least thousands of years to make such a change. That stingy wight will never give it to you Such a long time, but the loving Father is the complete opposite. He has always been a generous God. As long as you are willing to accept this invitation, the comfort of endless rebirth will continue your dying existence, and new vitality will be injected into your withered body. Body. Whatever you want to do, you will have plenty of time to see it done."

"Well... I think there are some basic differences between us, but this is reasonable. After all, I am a 'mortal' and you are the original body." Fujimaru Ritsuka declined politely, "I am used to it and accept it. "Human life is short" is an objective law, and I have never had unrealistic expectations about seeing the end of my dreams come true. As long as I did something while I was alive, and knew that later people It will consolidate my achievements and continue to push this thing forward, and that is enough for me.”

She paused for a moment and then added:

"Besides, you haven't answered my previous question: Why did you choose to pick up a weapon and start fighting in the first place?"

"Because I realize that the Emperor is a liar." Mortarion's reply was full of resentment. "When I first met him, he took away the goal I was fighting for without a care; then All of his rhetoric is just to deceive us, control us, and use us to make him take a further step on his own road to godhood! The legacy he left thousands of years ago is still harming this universe, and I will take this from my loving father The Gospel and Joy of the Garden corrects this!”

"...and said 'I' don't have free will." Fujimaru Ritsuka muttered softly.

She knew Mortarion could hear him, so she quickly connected to the next sentence before he could say anything: "I understand why you are 'standing here' now, but the meaning of my question is actually, 'In the beginning When, why did you choose to take up arms?

"——Before the Emperor came to Barbarus, why did you pick up the scythe and start fighting? What did you want to defeat? What did you want to resist? What did you want to destroy or save? What did you originally want to do? Do you still remember my wish?”


Mortarion suddenly got stuck here.

Six o'clock (miwu)

(End of chapter)