045 Thought criminals from the Age of Gods uttered shocking words

Style: Gaming Author: ice cave sealWords: 2626Update Time: 24/01/12 03:26:14
+Master, the lower cabin has been cleaned. +

Enkidu nonchalantly stood barefoot on a ground paved with messy stumps and blood. Amidst the faint sound of viscous liquid dripping and flowing, he sent a message to Fujimaru Ritsuka through the master-slave contract:

+I don’t really recommend that you watch this part of the record in detail. In short, all hostile reactions within the perceptible range have been confirmed to be cleared, and the suspicious altar with the aura of chaos has also been completely demolished. Some members of the Iron Hands survived and are currently cleaning up the battlefield themselves. +

Sent to the lower levels of the ship were "reconnaissance teams" consisting of Iron Think Tanks, Primaris Scouts, and Heavy Fireteams. In terms of reconnaissance missions, this was a configuration with a high probability of winning, but after the ship's internal communications were blocked by various accidents, they encountered a somewhat severe encounter. The think tank and the heavy firepower team composed of veterans are okay. Even if the new blood of Primaris has the support of their colleagues, the losses in the process are quite heartbreaking - but this is the consistent creed of the Iron Hands: survival of the fittest. , the stronger ones who survive on the battlefield are qualified to move forward and embark on the road of honor.

Enkidu had no particular feelings about this. Although he can't say that he has no interest in the customs and customs of this world, he still has a bystander attitude that has nothing to do with himself and is just watching. He entered the battle smoothly between the two sides, and flaunted his position by clearly helping one side and destroying the other side. Facts have proved that this is very pragmatic for the members of the Iron Hands Chapter in a sense. Speaking, it can be regarded as a good kind of "persuasion". At least during the battle, there were no major problems between the two sides, and there was even some limited cooperation.

But this does not mean that the monks of the Chapter will treat him completely as a friend. Although Enkidu said that he "needs some time and space for psychic communication to report progress", no one bothered him. However, as long as you carefully observe the Iron Hands who are cleaning the battlefield in the distance, you will find that there is always at least one person. A bolter, a plasma pistol, and a promethium flamethrower were pointed at him, and there was always a think tank hovering nearby, obviously intent on keeping an eye on him.

+Okay, I'll tell them about the temporary change of commander. It is also worth mentioning that from that altar-like facility, I saw two different occult symbols. Is this normal for the gods of this universe? +

He knew this was not normal, and the question was just a reminder. With this fact in mind, he did not need to mention it. One thing he did not mention was that the enemies he encountered in the lower cabin were clearly divided into two groups: the wizards of the Emperor's Children and the vast majority of purple, swift and powerful warriors. The lustful demons stood together, but at the edge of the battlefield there were also some small blue things that could throw demon fire, laughing and causing trouble. These erratic little devils who always pop up to sneak attacks have caused a lot of trouble for the Iron Think Tank. In a sense, although the vast majority of Primaris scouts fell under the claws of the devil Slaanesh, But it was the Tzeentch changelings who were responsible for making the losses so great.

But to Enkidu, these are not too big a threat. Although there is no support from ley lines in the universe, his own performance and experience are enough to deal with enemies of this level.

+Thanks for your concern, but it doesn't matter to me. It is true that the echoes of the will of the gods can be heard from the depths of the subspace, but after all, I am a weapon made by other gods, and the existence of the contract also gives me a clear ownership. For now, their power has not been able to break through the etheric body and affect me. As long as you ignore it, you'll be fine. +

god. He sneered inwardly.

As a god-made weapon due to the influence of Gilgamesh, it is relatively more recognized as a "human" way of existence. It exists because the gods arbitrarily gave life to it, and died because the gods arbitrarily took it back. Qi Du really doesn't have a good impression of things like "gods". With this kind of negative impression first, coupled with his calm personality, it is not easy to have strong emotions unless he encounters corresponding topics or events. He is also a weapon against Zheng Zheng, and the logic for the establishment of the copy projection has something to do with the universe itself. There are differences, so although it is currently considered a "subspace entity" in a certain sense, there is still no need to worry too much about related issues in a short period of time.

As for the long-term battle, Fujimaru Ritsuka must be coordinated with him to purify the pollution of chaos at any time.

+Okay, I understand. Next, guide the members of the Iron Hands back to the middle of the ship. +

After accepting the new mission, he walked calmly through the blood and broken limbs. The bodies left behind after the death of subspace creatures will only be transformed into the invisible power of chaos. After being merged into the subspace, they will wait to be condensed and formed one day in the future. Therefore, the rivers of blood and desecrated flesh accumulated on the ground will The block obviously does not belong to the devil.

After this battle, the ship's mortal servants had to be replenished on a large scale before the entire system could operate at normal efficiency again. And these crew members who were lost due to unexpected and unreasonable disasters obviously did not feel peaceful at the end of their lives. These sacrifices should naturally be attributed to the enemy, but it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

Enkidu sighed softly and turned around to leave this place filled with blasphemous symbols and curses. He walked sideways from the most filthy altar and headed towards the nearest think tank. He walked towards the cleaner ground step by step. At the same time, he reset his spiritual base. The golden particles composed of ether slowly floated away, and the blood and dirt originally stained on his body immediately disappeared. By the time he walked in front of the think tank, his white-gold robe had become spotless and holy again.

"The order I received is to guide the remaining troops back to the mid-level command room to report again, treat the wounded, and reorganize the data link and command system." He said to the other party with a normal expression, "But the battlefield must be cleaned up. At least this place needs to be 'cleaned up', otherwise no one knows whether it will attract some subspace things and allow enemies to pop up again."

"...This is natural. The Iron Hands have already had countermeasures." Think Tank said in a flat and dry tone.

This reaction is not very convincing to Enkidu. He clearly saw that the other party had a lot of doubts in his heart, and he understood that these doubts were bound to exist, but he didn't understand why the other party didn't choose to ask them out.

Therefore, he suggested: "There is still some time before the whole team actually starts to set off. If you have any questions about the current situation, I will be happy to answer them. Proper communication is also good for increasing trust between both parties."

After the think tank paused for a little over a second, he got straight to the point and asked a question that Enkidu thought would not come up right away: "What on earth are you?"

This question that was not in line with the basic principles of social interaction did make him a little surprised, but on the edge of a battlefield where efficiency was life, it would not be offensive. Enkidu thought for a moment about wording that would be more understandable to the people here, and spoke in a warm and friendly manner:

"To define the 'I' who is here now, I am a special subspace entity made by the summoner and made of ether as a body." He considered the words, "This woven body itself It is nothing more than a medium that can easily carry the projection of my functions and consciousness. I am not such a thing myself, I am just projected here as a copy of this form."

These words obviously caused some brainstorming in the think tank. He paused for a moment, and then continued to ask without giving up: "So, what exactly is you?"

Enkidu couldn't figure out the meaning of the other party's obsession with this issue (rather than the obviously more serious current situation). But he still answered the question:

"I am a weapon made by gods." It is not a "realm record tape". What Enkidu describes here is his own existence. "Although it is similar to human appearance, this part is an acquired modification. My main task It is still exercising its function as a weapon. If I change it to a more common term here..."

Enkidu thought for a few seconds, and then made a shocking statement without hesitation:

"'Iron Man'. I think." He had no idea how bad a metaphor he had used. "Although I am not a machine made by humans like Iron Man, I am similar to it from many angles. . It shouldn’t be a problem if we understand it this way?”

(End of chapter)