Chapter 128 The first meeting was explosive

Style: Science Author: Taro ChickenWords: 2254Update Time: 24/01/11 22:12:54
Almost all people who can become prophets have a relatively strong sixth sense.

Lin Hong felt the blood vessels on her forehead pulsing, making her almost breathless. She took out a spray from her backpack and took a deep breath.


"What's wrong with you?" The Raincaller was very familiar with this partner and knew that she would have difficulty breathing when she was nervous, so he was also a little uneasy.

"It feels like something might have happened."

"No way."

The two of them were hiding behind a pile of rocks. Since they were not aggressive professions, they generally would not participate in frontal battles.

Now that I was suspicious, I couldn't help but think of the place where the wind and sand passed by to see what was going on.

However, the next second, they knew there was no need to do this, because they found a stranger, wearing goggles and a mask, squatting on top of a rock more than ten meters away and staring at them.

"Prophets and raincallers, right?"

The two swallowed.

"Who are you?"

Li Rui didn't want to answer, but just said: "I don't think we should waste time. Those three guys have been killed by me. If you don't want to die, just follow me."

When he said this, there was actually no disturbance in his heart, and he didn't even notice it. There was a calmness from unknown sources in his words.

The two men looked at each other, and all they could see in each other's eyes was surprise and fear.

Li Rui clicked his tongue, feeling a little impatient. He came to the two of them in a flash and knocked the raincaller unconscious with a slap.

Lin Hong felt that her figure was as stiff as a stone.

"Let's go."

Li Rui dragged Raincaller like a dead dog and took Lin Hong back to the car.

"Where are he and the three of them?"

"In the trunk sack."

Li Rui symbolically tied up Lin Hong with a tendon rope and asked her to stay in the back seat. "Be honest. It's best not to move around, otherwise you will go to the trunk to stay."

Of course, a prophet without the ability to resist would not dare to act rashly. Any one of the three people lying behind could hit her five times, let alone the young man who controlled everyone.

Boom boom boom! !

Press the accelerator to the bottom and the car rushes out like an uncontrollable beast.

Lin Hong grabbed the car door with her tied hands and looked at the driver unabashedly.

"How did you block my prophecy?"


Li Rui asked, "How do I know? You may have made a mistake in your calculations."

The fear in Lin Hong's heart was largely covered up by her anger: "It's impossible, my life-chasing chip can't go wrong, it can only be interfered with by others using powerful means."

Li Rui found this man's hairy look quite interesting, and suddenly thought it would be nice to have someone to chat with while driving.

"What did you predict?"

"A level 22 Raincaller, he should be the only one who can handle this direction."

"Oh, you were right."

Li Rui was amused, "I am the level 22 raincaller."

Lin Hong then turned from anger to joy: "I knew it, I couldn't have made a mistake, right? What did you say?"

Li Rui didn't answer the call.

Level 22, Raincaller?

Lin Hong looked at the driver uncertainly.

Is he kidding?

Then, this woman who grew up in a place of chaos suddenly remembered something.

Recently, someone has been rumoring that the secret battlefield is about to open. According to the Dragon Kingdom's practice, many potential people will go to the northwest border to experience, including those supernovas who are said to be the genius generation.

"Is it him too?"

It's a pity that even if there are intelligence dealers in the chaotic land, it is difficult to get specific information about major power organizations. In many cases, only a name is circulated, but she does not know what he looks like or what his abilities are, so she cannot recognize Li Which one is Rui?

At this moment, only a groan was heard, and the fainted Raincaller seemed to be waking up.

Li Rui glanced in the rearview mirror and said, "Knock him out, or I'll knock you out too."

Lin Hong blinked, looked at her companion who had just woken up and stared at him with innocent eyes, and punched him again and knocked him unconscious.

A sentry point on the border desert, a vast expanse of loess, with only one car and four people, as if they were waiting for something.

Zhang Huju was holding a cigarette in his mouth and was surprised to see Dong Sanchuan also asking for one from him.

"You don't smoke, don't you?"

"Isn't this boring?"

"Damn it, the prophet has been calculating for a long time and still can't figure out where the person is."

Zhang Huju hung the smoking stick and said impatiently.

"The one named Lin Hong is known as the soul-chasing witch in the land of chaos. She has two brushes, so it's hard to calculate."

Dong Sanchuan said, "The configuration of their team is actually not very good, mainly because of her presence, she can always find a breakthrough to the goal."

"You mean, we have also found a breakthrough?"

Jiang Yu's voice suddenly came from behind.

"It's not our fault!"

Nan Jiumei rushed to speak, "It's not enough to be a prophet from the outpost."

"Keep your voice down!"

Three people gave him a hammer.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and he is still slandering others behind their backs. If he is heard, he will not be able to eat any good juice.

"I have a guess."

Zhang Huju groped his head. He looked like a tough guy, but in fact he was very thoughtful in thinking, at least much better than Nan Jiumei.

"What guess?" Dong Sanchuan asked.

"If Lin Hong is really that powerful, she will definitely choose a place where it is easiest to break through. Judging from the various groups patrolling the sideline, there is only one position that is best for breaking through."


"Level 22 Raincaller."

"Where did the level 22 summoner come from? No, you mean Li Rui?"

No matter how unintelligent Nan Jiumei was, she still realized what he was talking about.

"That makes sense, Brother Chuan, please contact Li Rui and have a look."

Jiang Yu said quickly, then turned to look at Nan Jiumei, "Haven't you been thinking about her for a long time? We will see the outcome soon."

Dong Sanchuan dialed the phone, but hung up after only three rings.

He frowned and said, "No answer."

Before the other three people could react, they saw an off-road vehicle rushing over from a distance, driving very brutally.

Zhang Huju took a look with the telescope hanging on his chest: "01236, that's him."

Seeing the car coming, Dong Sanchuan's brows widened. No matter what was going on, it would be clear if he asked.


The off-road vehicle rushed over and stopped next to a few people. Li Rui jumped out of the car and didn't rush forward. He just nodded to a few people and then got down to business.

Under Dong Sanchuan's puzzled gaze, he opened the trunk, and several sacks rolled down.

Before anyone could ask questions, he opened the back door again and carried the Rainmaker down from above, who had woken up three times and was knocked unconscious. At the same time, he introduced the woman who followed him out of the car.

"This is Lin Hong. The one I have is the Raincaller. I forgot to ask what it's called. The three thugs are all in the sacks. What should I do now, brothers and sisters?"

(End of chapter)