0152 Eat the head, want c

Style: Gaming Author: Blood flowed three thousand feetWords: 4282Update Time: 24/01/11 11:10:41
in the screen.

The blind monk eats the toad and the three wolves, and helps the snake girl who is close to Konglan at level 4 to solve the problem. The red side's center line went in, Qin Hao caught it, and chose the slow control tower line.

Xiaohu added some blue crystals and fairy amulets. Seeing Kassadin playing like this, he felt he had a chance.

"He's hoarding threads, can you watch?"

Kassadin's blood bottle is gone, so he has two-thirds of his health and about one-third of his mana. In this state, with the advancement line, there is a chance to kill.

"The incense pot is in the middle, and Eimy is near the upper river."

"Penicillin is a bit dangerous. He has no eyes nearby and doesn't know the information about the blind monk coming."

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

The script that opens up the bottom lane will go bankrupt first, but it is also good to catch the middle lane.

Just when he came closer, Xiangguo discovered that Kassadin was standing down during the confrontation.

"Do it." Incense pot.

"Here comes the incense pot. If you hit Tian Yinbo, you have a chance to kill him."

After Miller shouted, Snake took a small step forward, and Kassadin used E to slow down. Immediately after the Snake Girl W hit the ground, the Snake Girl made a steady Q and sprinted.

The originally noisy scene suddenly stopped.

The audience stared at the big screen attentively.

Qin Hao was not in a hurry when he saw the blind monk coming out. He determined that Snake didn't do enough damage, and Kassadin's passive was relatively limiting for this type of mage.

Therefore, getting out of Snake Girl's range is not the goal, but not catching the blind monk's explosion is the key.

"Brother Dan!"

"I'm relying on you." Eimy immediately noticed an accident in the middle. The opponent doesn't talk about martial arts and takes the lead in shaking people down.

While rushing, Eimy felt a little anxious. He knew that losing first life would make Kassadin's rhythm uncomfortable and waste their early vision design.

3 seconds.

The blind monk touched his eyes and entered the troop pile, more than 400 yards away from Kassadin. Seeing Kassadin retreating instead of running down the river, Xiang Guo felt a little strange.

Qin Hao always paid attention to the movement of the blind monk raising his hand.

As for Xiangguo, he was a little afraid of Q Kong, and wanted to get closer and shoot an E to scare him. Anyway, the initiative lies with them.

Another 2 seconds passed like this.

Miller said: "The blood volume is very low, it is a bit difficult to run this wave, save me..."

The flash words were not exported.

Qin Hao looked at his fifth-floor E.

At this moment, the blind monk slapped the floor. The energy pulse is activated, Qin Hao slows down the blind monk with E first, and then uses Q. When Q flew out, Qin Hao flashed to the upper right.


Xiang Guo thought that Kassadin's Q would be the best time, and he must have thought of silence and then dodge. Who knows that after Kassadin handed E, Q and dodge shot almost at the same time, causing the Tian Yinbo he was grabbing at close range to miss.

Xiangguo ducked subconsciously, but the slowdown effect was not passed. He couldn't hit A, so he didn't have the energy to slow down the second E.

"Penicillin! Dodge the Tianyin Wave!"

"Still chasing, the mantis is coming."

Eimy jumped up to fight, and combined with Kassadin's previous damage, the blind monk's health instantly dropped to only a quarter. With no choice, Xiaohu helped fight the mantis, while Qin Hao leaned on the mantis to block him and retreated to the tower with about 100 health.

Miller marveled: "This wave of Penicillin is so tolerable. I thought he would dodge if the blind monk came close. This way, there is more room for maneuver."

Wawa: "Xiaohu is a little hurt this time. He just came back to the line and his mana is about to bottom out again.

Moreover, Kassadin has a T. Originally sent in this wave, Penicillin had to go home to replenish his status. If you do this, the snake girl will not be able to push Kassadin's line later. "

Miller: "I can only say that this wave of Penicillin is in the atmosphere. He is too courageous. He dodges immediately, and the blind monk has a higher chance of Qing. At that position, even if Xiangguo dodges, he still has to use Q to press him. Position." Kassadin chose to retreat, which was why the blind monk stayed close.

"This is our champion mid laner? Qingmen!!"

"Haha, the commentary is so funny and atmospheric."

"This late attack is beneficial. Snake Girl doesn't have much blue power, and Blind Monk doesn't have much health."

"Sit down, sit down. No sex."

"This is really not gay."

Xiang Guo feels a little like scolding her mother.

This wave failed to catch him, and Mantis entered the upper half in front of him. At this time, Kled had no mount, so he could have stayed under the tower. He just had to do a good job of pulling up to Q to hide from the weapon E.

But when Mantis comes like this, Letme can only retreat back to the city.

And in the middle.

The fifth-level Kassadin TP minion has goddess tears on his body, so Xiaohu can only make peace with Kassadin.

Langx: "Brother Hao played well."

C: "Brother, I'm here to help you repair a gun carriage. After you finish fighting the stone beetles, Danzi, remember to come."

5 and a half minutes.

Bronn returned to the city and went out to the middle, knocking the cannon cart with the shield of the holy object in front of his face, and the two of them took the money together.

After making Snake Girl uncomfortable.

Qin Hao was not in a hurry for Soldier A and chose to just make up for the last blow. There is no other purpose for doing this. It is just to stock up on big lines so that the snake girl who has no mana can remove the lines very slowly.

Bottom lane.

Uzi's policewoman suppressed the three soldiers of IMP. Seeing that her home and jungle could not open up the situation, she began to feel anxious for no reason.

He watched the blind monk come out and walk to the lower jungle area, and asked Xiao Ming to become more aggressive.

In the lens.

The policewoman and Tamu actively pressed forward in two consecutive waves to initiate a blood exchange. Not only did they force out Braum E, but they also beat Verus until he only had half health left.

"The junglers on both sides are leaning down and are about to meet."

When Eimy ate the stone beetle and came to the triangle grass, she happened to see the blind monk outside the grass.

He originally wanted to fight and run away, but then he heard a familiar voice: "You can fight. Big Wolf, you have to pay attention to your T. Kled should be here at level 6."

Xiangguo is ready to join the line and go in, standing on the flanks to put pressure.

AQW and Thunder encountered Mantis head-on, and their HP was reduced by more than one-third.

"Hit, at least force him to dodge."

Bromverus is in the tower, and the area in front of the tower is controlled by RNG. Uzi thinks this wave can be as fierce as Mantis.

Tamu moved forward first, but Blind Monk counterattacked with his face. When Mantis jumped E into the dragon's pit, Xiaohu reminded Kassadin that he was big enough to move forward first. However, Xiang Guo feels that with Tam, this wave can force Mantis, and Kassadin's explosion is not enough.

The blind monk touched his eyes and walked across the dragon pit, Xiao Ming's triangle grass walked towards the river.

When chasing.

Uzi crossed Q to push the remaining line, and also headed towards the river.

Soon, Kassadin joined Mantis in the field of view. Uzi feels that in this area, Kled is a bit invincible.

"You still have to chase him, the blind monk's health is a bit dangerous."

"No, Kled's T reaches the midline, RNG wants to cover it!"

Near the red zone, C Bo is rushing. Seeing Klie hand over T, Qin Hao was very calm, "I'll block him, pull him to the open space and fight."

Next beat.

The blind monk used his Q to hit the half-healthy mantis. Langx teleported down the river grass 2 seconds late, intercepting the policewoman and Tam.

"Kled charged, and the snake girl accelerated and followed quickly."

Kled sounded the charge.

Letme knows that the LGD midfielder can only retreat to the red zone, and the landing point is the area where the river enters.

Before being approached by Kled.

Qin Hao knew the effect of Klie's ultimate move, so he did not choose to use other skills. Instead, he blocked in front of the mantis, waited for the locked thread mark to appear, and then moved to the back grass.


"Kled broke through the wall!"

"The blind monk kicked him up!"

The tracking effect of Kled's ultimate move can pass through many walls.

Qin Hao was hurt, and Xiang Guo was a little dumbfounded. He thought Kled was locking Mantis, and he could use the second Q to coordinate with Kled's burst.

As a result, LGD's midfielder opened up, Blind Sin and Mantis singled out, and Kled singled out Kassadin.

Qin Hao suffered a set of bursts and fell below half health, while the blind monk was beaten to residual health by the mantis.

Seeing that Blind Monk was beginning to be overwhelmed by Mantis's output, Snake Girl made up for it.

At this time, Qin Hao flicked E to slow down Klie, and called his teammates to focus on the front row.

Miller just watched the situation of the battle suddenly change. Before Snake could take action, Kassadin used his ultimate move to pull Kled over to the wall behind the red buff.

Immediately after Braum arrived, W Kassadin hit Kled's face with AQ, and then Mantis accelerated to the side of Kled and supplemented the output with Kassadin, quickly triggering Braum's passive.

At this time, Letme realized that he was a little out of touch, but relied on Skaar to survive the first round of opportunities, and used the dismounting mechanism to move backwards with Q and retreat to the front of the formation.

"If your weapon is clipped, use counterattack storm to avoid damage."

"Snake girl comes here to protect Kled, there's still a fight between the two sides."

At this time, as long as the weapon jumps Q and moves away, or RNG takes the initiative to pull it out, nothing will happen to both sides. But Qin Hao had long discovered that RNG's formation was not good, with Tam on the weapon's face and the policewoman on the back. More importantly, the blind monk and Kled were not in good condition either.

"Big Wolf is watching AD with me."

Kassadin has the advantage of being highly mobile.

Qin Hao made the second R and jumped into the dragon pit. The weapon bears Tam's three-layer mark, jump Q and get the policewoman's E. But it doesn't matter, Qin Hao walked into the range to Q to the policewoman, and IMP came down from the triangle grass to help double-team.

Being forced like this, Uzi knew that he could leave if he wanted to, but he still felt that he could fight. If Tam has something to eat, he can watch it in a flash.

At the critical moment, Bronn weakened the snake girl and appeared to find the blind monk with residual blood. And the mantis looked like he was about to go in and harvest.

Seeing that Tam didn't look back at him, Uzi could only cross-dodge in advance. If Kassadin E slows him down, he won't be able to move.

"Don't chase, hit the one behind."

Qin Hao retreated to the dragon pit and looked for weapons on the opposite side, Uenosuke.

Mantis followed up with the second level of stealth and flashed into the scene, but there was a figure who was not slow.

"Tahm flashes to protect the blind monk, Kled attacks with his backhand, and his attack speed is very fast. Eimy is about to give away!"

Cooperating with Tahm's Q, Kled executed Mantis, and his courage value reached half.

Letme was so stunned that she didn't notice the snake girl approaching Kong Lan.

Next beat.

The weapon was entangled with Tam, and after the incense pot came out, he touched the wall and fled the battlefield. RNG's formation suddenly became Kled chasing Braum, Snake was behind Kled, Tam was in the river, and the policewoman pressed back to find position A weapon.

Just when Kled wanted to mount his horse, a figure came out and killed him——

The void walk that reached the third level shattered RNG's dream of expanding its results.


Kassadin stepped over the wall and stepped on Kled's face, and AW took action.

Qin Hao's timing was too good. Almost when Klie was close to recalling the Cowardly Lizard, the damage from the thunder exploded, and Klie lay dead.

Miller: "One for one, Snake Girl is out of blue."

Watanabe: "Kassadin doesn't have much mana, but Uzi turned around and sent himself back to the dangerous river area. The weapon that is fired at full capacity is very powerful."

Of course, this is also because the main output skills are not applied to the weapons.

Miller: "Penicillin was so cruel! Three big moves disrupted RNG's formation. He went up and down in the Dragon Pit, first forcing Uzi to flash, and then turning back to kill Kled who wanted to chase Braum."

Watanabe: "RNG is on top. Cover the upper jungle and retreat. Nothing happens. You still get the Mantis ultimate move in vain."

"Fuck! Penicillin is pulling."

“Brother Haozi is awesome!!”

"Xiaohu is outrageous. He knows he doesn't have any mana, so why don't he save some mana for his ultimate move?"

In this wave, Snake Girl mainly outputs Braum, and after holding her Q, she sprayed E several times. Although it didn't have much blue in the first place, it managed to recover a little by relying on the Dolan Ring and the Tower Knife.

"To be honest, Kled's ultimate move is a bit cool when it's on the wall, but it's a pity that he's not the right player in the middle."

As soon as Kled fell, Xiaohu retreated along the blue F6 channel. Next to him, Uzi could only ask Xiao Ming to sell, open a treatment to temporarily accelerate, and retreat into the pass before Verus and weapons double-teamed him.

"Wow, LGD still wants to kill. Kassadin comes over with a Q and gets a double kill."

Tam was stunned by the weapon, and Qin Hao had no intention of being polite.

This time, he must stand up.

When the double kill announcement sounded.

The barrage was hot and the scene was hot, but RNG felt a little cold.

The director's close-up shot showed Snake without blue magnification, otherwise Kled should have been able to mount the horse, and Kassadin's return package would not have been effective. Then this wave of weapons turned into weapons, and Kassadin dejectedly covered Bronn's retreat.


Xiaohu seemed to feel that he hadn't handled the knot well, so he put his fingers into his bangs and fiddled with them several times. He was even trying to control his breathing from becoming rapid.

He already had a picture in his mind of the game continuing like this. If you can't play a very good role and can't compare to your opponent Kassadin, you can imagine how you will be laughed at after the game. The wrinkles on the forehead will condense into the character "王".

At this time, Xiangguo had no intention of blaming his teammates. He felt that his judgment was fine, but his operation was not good.


Uzi stopped talking a little bit.

This makes the voice atmosphere slightly weird.

During the draft, they were still laughing at LGD for being too pretentious, but who knew that the early rhythm was bitten by LGD.

At this time the guide plays back.

Miller saw Kassadin's tail knife controlling the lane, and then he understood the reason why Kassadin's mana was healthy.

"RNG is a little anxious. If we don't fight this wave, Kled's radiation ability against the upper river after reaching six is ​​stronger than the weapons."

"Yes, I think it would be better to wait for Snake Girl to come out with her wave-filling equipment before trying to fight again." Wawa added: "But now that Kassadin has two heads, the last thing RNG wants to see happens."

Miller smiled and said: "Cassadine, I feel like LGD can play."

Resist it.

Some people couldn't wait to open a post to laugh at Xiaohu.

After all, RNG should have a loud voice in front of this lineup. In addition, many people before the game felt that Langx was not as good as MaRin. LGD has lowered its combat power. Letme, who has played in the LPL, should be stronger than LGD's new top laner.

But these 7 minutes of content told the audience that RNG's running-in seemed to be average.

"Although Xiaohu didn't fight well, I didn't expect that B-Tam wouldn't protect the policewoman. What would happen if the blind monk died? Kled can kill Mantis. If it kept W to protect the policewoman, Uzi would bypass the weapon. , the snake girl doesn’t need to be driven away.”

"Indeed, although it would be more stable not to fight, and the Snake Girl's lack of mana is also a failure, but this Tamu is really dizzy."

"Ten seconds to move, one second to output, this is the policewoman."

"There's nothing I can do, the weapons are about to explode."

(End of chapter)